Ozone Therapy in the Surgery
Taken from MEDOZONS - Russia Website
The performed investigations have shown that in pancreonecrosis it comes to intensification of the free-radical lipid peroxidation processes, activation of the proteolytic processes, disturbances of hemostasis.
Owing to disturbances of secretory function of beta cells, it comes to insulin resistance, decrease in the intensity of carbohydrate metabolism, energy deficit and, as a result, insufficiency of antioxidant defense and decrease of antiproteolytic potential of plasma.
For normalization of homeostatic reactions at this metabolic orientation it is necessary to correct oxido-reduction potential that facilitates intensification of protein-synthetic function of liver, elimination of tissue hypoxia, decrease in symptoms of systemic inflammatory syndrome and endogenous intoxication, activation of the reparative-regenerative processes (S.M.Tchudnych etc, 1995).
Thus, the efficiency of ozone therapy in the complex treatment of destructive pancreatitis is pathogenetically verified.
Recommended methods of ozone therapy:
The therapy is performed under the control of biochemical indices of blood.
The use of oxidative therapy in the complex treatment of pancreonecrosis allows to decrease the volume of antibacterial therapies, infusions solutions, immunomodulators and ensures a wide range of clinical effects: normalization of body temperature on average by 2-3 days earlier, appearance of active intestinal motility, improvement of general state, stabilization of hemodynamical indices, homeostasis and immunological status. It comes to a decrease in the frequency of polyorganic insufficiency and lethality, improvement of treatment results in patients of this category.
However, it is necessary to pay particular attention to patients, which have chronic pancreatitis in the anamnesis. In this case the use of medical ozone in the treatment of different pathological conditions can lead to sharp aggravation of pancreatitis with a severe form of course due to powerful release of proteolytic enzymes. Should such a situation occur, it is necessary to stop ozone therapy and start traditional intensive therapy.
Taken from MEDOZONS - Russia Website
The performed investigations have shown that in pancreonecrosis it comes to intensification of the free-radical lipid peroxidation processes, activation of the proteolytic processes, disturbances of hemostasis.
Owing to disturbances of secretory function of beta cells, it comes to insulin resistance, decrease in the intensity of carbohydrate metabolism, energy deficit and, as a result, insufficiency of antioxidant defense and decrease of antiproteolytic potential of plasma.
For normalization of homeostatic reactions at this metabolic orientation it is necessary to correct oxido-reduction potential that facilitates intensification of protein-synthetic function of liver, elimination of tissue hypoxia, decrease in symptoms of systemic inflammatory syndrome and endogenous intoxication, activation of the reparative-regenerative processes (S.M.Tchudnych etc, 1995).
Thus, the efficiency of ozone therapy in the complex treatment of destructive pancreatitis is pathogenetically verified.
Recommended methods of ozone therapy:
- Intravenous drop-by-drop infusions of ozonated saline solution;
- Circulatory rinsing of network and extra-abdominal area through the drainage with ozonated saline solution.
The therapy is performed under the control of biochemical indices of blood.
The use of oxidative therapy in the complex treatment of pancreonecrosis allows to decrease the volume of antibacterial therapies, infusions solutions, immunomodulators and ensures a wide range of clinical effects: normalization of body temperature on average by 2-3 days earlier, appearance of active intestinal motility, improvement of general state, stabilization of hemodynamical indices, homeostasis and immunological status. It comes to a decrease in the frequency of polyorganic insufficiency and lethality, improvement of treatment results in patients of this category.
However, it is necessary to pay particular attention to patients, which have chronic pancreatitis in the anamnesis. In this case the use of medical ozone in the treatment of different pathological conditions can lead to sharp aggravation of pancreatitis with a severe form of course due to powerful release of proteolytic enzymes. Should such a situation occur, it is necessary to stop ozone therapy and start traditional intensive therapy.