Coronavirus COVID-19 Solutions - Part 2 Condensed Version
By Satesh Narain April 20, 2020
• Vitamin A in high doses. Consider: 100,000 IU 4 times per day for 2-3 days, followed by 100,000 IU once per day until recovery.
• Vitamin C: Take a minimum dose of 2,000 mg per day.
Vitamin C: 1 gram per hour, to a total of 10-18 grams per day.
• Ascorbic Acid Infection Dosage: 1 gram every 15 to 30 minutes. If symptoms are not reversed within 12-24 hours, increase dosage to 2 grams every 15 to 30 minutes.
• Intravenous Vitamin C if available: 7.5 grams – 50 grams for 3 consecutive days.
• Vitamin D in high doses. Youngevity Vitamin D3 has 5000 IU per capsule.
• Alinia: Take 1,000 mg Nitazoxide twice a day for 10 days. If the person has the virus and started to have the lung symptoms start
with Alina or Chlorquine.
• Hydroxy-Chloroquin (i.e. Plaquenil): This treatment is to take before the cytokine storm. It transports zinc into the cell. Chlorquine phosphate is also an effective medication.
Day 1: Take 400 mg twice a day (2 tablets twice a day).
Day 2-6: Take 200 mg twice a day.
• Zinc (Core-S at Ki Science): 2 capsules with each dose of chloroquin.
• Azithromycin: Day 1: 500 mg one time a day.
Day 2-5 or 6: 250 mg per day.
Hydroxy-Chloroquin, Azithromycin and Zinc are taken together for the best result.
• Heparin: 5000 i.u. twice a day. This is taken earlier to prevent the lung complications.
• Cistus tea: Cistus tea (BioPureUS) and propolis both prevent the attachment of the virus to any cell or membrane. Drink 6-8 cups per day. Cistus tea can be sprayed in the mouth, nose, eyes and skin.
• Propolis Spray (Kontak Propolit or PROPOLIS-SPRAY-GEROGE) Buy whatever is available.
• Nebulizer: Put propolis in it and inhale.
• HOCL Spray (Hypochlorous acid): Spray in the mouth, nose, eyes, hands, cell phone, desktop, computer keyboard and all surfaces. Spray Propolis, alternating it with HOCL at the first signs of symptoms on to the sore throat. BrioTech HOCL available at Casas de Healing.
This is the only spay that worked for Coronavirus OC43. All the other 70% alcohol sanitizers tested positive in the laboratories for previous coronavirus.
• Herbal Remedies: Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata), Artemisa annua (Sweet Annie), Calendula, Dandelion, Licorice, Rosemary and Scutalaria (Skullcap) are taken together.
Prevention: 1 dropperful each in a glass with water, 4-6 times/day. Treatment: 2 dropperful each, hourly.
Available at Ki Science in the UK and at Casas de Healing.
• Melatonin: Dosage of 50 mg at night. Take 2 to 3 hours after your last meal and 1 to 2 hours before going to sleep. Dr. Klinghardt may uses up to 200 mg as suppository or skin lotion.
• Sunshine
• Omega3: Canada: sealDNA with DPA (Casas de Healing) / USA: Youngevity Ultimate EFA Plus
Vitamin D and Omega3 at normal doses can modulate the T-lymphocyte subclasses and reduce inflammation.
• Stop Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (High Blood Pressure medication) – and Selenium during this time.
• Be cautious on NSAIDS – ibuprofen, it may cause complications.
• Wi-Fi Hygiene: Wi-Fi hygiene is of paramount importance of preventing and treating this illness. Turn off the Wi-Fi whenever possible and especially at nights. This is of extreme importance; at least do this for the next 2 – 3 months, until this virus is under control.
Wi-Fi radiation opens the pores permitting an influx of calcium which triggers the fatal cytokine storm.
• Humming while exhaling / Yoga / Meditation / Deep Breathing
Humming while exhaling, it instantly increases nitric oxide concentration in the nasal passage and sinus, the same tissues where Covid-19 lingered for days before it affects other tissues.
When you quietly inhale you have a small amount of nitric oxide in your nose, if you hum while exhaling, it increase the nitric oxide more than 15 times. At that dosage, nitric oxide is strongly anti viral, antibacterial, antifungal.
Andrographis is good for lung complication and it is the perfect inhibitor for the virus. If you can only afford to buy one, then get this one (Astrialsmile from Ki Science). Andrographis is natural plant medicine. The plant is native to India and Sri Lanka, the leaf and stem are used to make medicine.
1. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
2. Coronavirus COVID-19: Can NSAIDS – Ibuprofen aggravate the infection? by Satesh Narain
3. Why Are So Many People In Italy Dying Of The Coronavirus by Michael Snyder
4. Coronavirus COVID-19 Solutions – Part 2 by Satesh Narain
This article is intended for general guidance and informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information provided with other trusted sources. Patients and consumers should review the information carefully with their professional health care provider. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by other physicians. The author will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising therefrom.
• Vitamin C: Take a minimum dose of 2,000 mg per day.
Vitamin C: 1 gram per hour, to a total of 10-18 grams per day.
• Ascorbic Acid Infection Dosage: 1 gram every 15 to 30 minutes. If symptoms are not reversed within 12-24 hours, increase dosage to 2 grams every 15 to 30 minutes.
• Intravenous Vitamin C if available: 7.5 grams – 50 grams for 3 consecutive days.
• Vitamin D in high doses. Youngevity Vitamin D3 has 5000 IU per capsule.
• Alinia: Take 1,000 mg Nitazoxide twice a day for 10 days. If the person has the virus and started to have the lung symptoms start
with Alina or Chlorquine.
• Hydroxy-Chloroquin (i.e. Plaquenil): This treatment is to take before the cytokine storm. It transports zinc into the cell. Chlorquine phosphate is also an effective medication.
Day 1: Take 400 mg twice a day (2 tablets twice a day).
Day 2-6: Take 200 mg twice a day.
• Zinc (Core-S at Ki Science): 2 capsules with each dose of chloroquin.
• Azithromycin: Day 1: 500 mg one time a day.
Day 2-5 or 6: 250 mg per day.
Hydroxy-Chloroquin, Azithromycin and Zinc are taken together for the best result.
• Heparin: 5000 i.u. twice a day. This is taken earlier to prevent the lung complications.
• Cistus tea: Cistus tea (BioPureUS) and propolis both prevent the attachment of the virus to any cell or membrane. Drink 6-8 cups per day. Cistus tea can be sprayed in the mouth, nose, eyes and skin.
• Propolis Spray (Kontak Propolit or PROPOLIS-SPRAY-GEROGE) Buy whatever is available.
• Nebulizer: Put propolis in it and inhale.
• HOCL Spray (Hypochlorous acid): Spray in the mouth, nose, eyes, hands, cell phone, desktop, computer keyboard and all surfaces. Spray Propolis, alternating it with HOCL at the first signs of symptoms on to the sore throat. BrioTech HOCL available at Casas de Healing.
This is the only spay that worked for Coronavirus OC43. All the other 70% alcohol sanitizers tested positive in the laboratories for previous coronavirus.
• Herbal Remedies: Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata), Artemisa annua (Sweet Annie), Calendula, Dandelion, Licorice, Rosemary and Scutalaria (Skullcap) are taken together.
Prevention: 1 dropperful each in a glass with water, 4-6 times/day. Treatment: 2 dropperful each, hourly.
Available at Ki Science in the UK and at Casas de Healing.
• Melatonin: Dosage of 50 mg at night. Take 2 to 3 hours after your last meal and 1 to 2 hours before going to sleep. Dr. Klinghardt may uses up to 200 mg as suppository or skin lotion.
• Sunshine
• Omega3: Canada: sealDNA with DPA (Casas de Healing) / USA: Youngevity Ultimate EFA Plus
Vitamin D and Omega3 at normal doses can modulate the T-lymphocyte subclasses and reduce inflammation.
• Stop Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (High Blood Pressure medication) – and Selenium during this time.
• Be cautious on NSAIDS – ibuprofen, it may cause complications.
• Wi-Fi Hygiene: Wi-Fi hygiene is of paramount importance of preventing and treating this illness. Turn off the Wi-Fi whenever possible and especially at nights. This is of extreme importance; at least do this for the next 2 – 3 months, until this virus is under control.
Wi-Fi radiation opens the pores permitting an influx of calcium which triggers the fatal cytokine storm.
• Humming while exhaling / Yoga / Meditation / Deep Breathing
Humming while exhaling, it instantly increases nitric oxide concentration in the nasal passage and sinus, the same tissues where Covid-19 lingered for days before it affects other tissues.
When you quietly inhale you have a small amount of nitric oxide in your nose, if you hum while exhaling, it increase the nitric oxide more than 15 times. At that dosage, nitric oxide is strongly anti viral, antibacterial, antifungal.
Andrographis is good for lung complication and it is the perfect inhibitor for the virus. If you can only afford to buy one, then get this one (Astrialsmile from Ki Science). Andrographis is natural plant medicine. The plant is native to India and Sri Lanka, the leaf and stem are used to make medicine.
1. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
2. Coronavirus COVID-19: Can NSAIDS – Ibuprofen aggravate the infection? by Satesh Narain
3. Why Are So Many People In Italy Dying Of The Coronavirus by Michael Snyder
4. Coronavirus COVID-19 Solutions – Part 2 by Satesh Narain
This article is intended for general guidance and informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information provided with other trusted sources. Patients and consumers should review the information carefully with their professional health care provider. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by other physicians. The author will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising therefrom.