Coronavirus COVID-19 Solutions
By Satesh Narain March 15, 2020
Edited by Joe Singh B.A., M.A
Edited by Joe Singh B.A., M.A
March 9, 2020
Dr Klinghardt Corona interview Klinghardt Institute (Taken from YouTube) |
Yesterday and today, I went to a grocery store in Toronto, Canada, All the shelves were either empty or most of the products gone. I heard it is the same for all the stores in Toronto. People have become irrational due to the mass hysteria about the virus caused by the Canadian government and media.
Canada and USA have only two super credible news reporters, Peter Mansbridge (Canadian) and Ted Coppell (American - USA). Today's news media only propagate negative programming loaded with fear tactics, reductionist news and mass hysteria. If the news Media wishes to educate themselves on this topic or for that matter, any other health topic, they can start by looking at the two leading doctors in the world websites, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt (at Klinghardt academy and Klinghardt institute) and Dr. Peter Glidden.
Solutions for COVID-19
• Boosting Your Immune System
• Ginger and Lemon Tea
The medicine of the Shamans and Curanderos / Curanderas (Healers) from Perú, Brasil and Argentina, South America.
Recipe of Maestro Agustin Rivas (Viejo) of Perú and Nina Caspi of Argentina.
. Grate ginger (scrape or peel the skin off first) or cut ginger in small pieces
. Put the ginger with some water in a blender and blend
. Pour in a pot with water
. Cut about ½ of a lemon, slice it with the skin and put in the pot with ginger and water
. Boil for about 5 – 8 minutes
. Let it settle for a few minutes
. Add a spoon of honey to a cup of the preparation and drink
. Drink a cup in the morning and one in the evening if sick.
. Take ½ teaspoon of turmeric with warm milk or water at nights.
. Açaí Tea: Add a teaspoon of Açaí to a cup of boiling water and drink.
. Camu Camu (Reference article by Satesh Narain, 12 Super Good Foods)
. BioPure Japanese Knotweed Tincture (Available at Sophia Health Institute)
. Nature's Pearl Muscadine Grape Seed Capsules
. Olive Leaf Extract by Good Herb
. Cinnamon and honey
. Suero if you are sick. Canada does not have this. I do not know what the English word nor equivalent is. In Colombia, South America, many Health Clinics use this IV Solution drop treatment in the vein, to boost immune system. It is about a 45 minutes procedure.
. Joy of the MOUNTAINS Oil of Oregano for viruses, if you are sick.
. Dr. Peter Glidden’s Recommendation
Dr. Peter Glidden is the leading Naturopath Doctor in this sector of the world (Canada and USA) and he is one of the seven leading doctors in the world with solutions to illnesses.
His Recommendation to Corona Virus - Boosting Your Immune System are:
• Stop the 12 Bad Foods (Reference 12 Bad Foods by Dr. Peter Glidden, ND)
• Supplement with the 91 Essential Nutrients – Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak. The Beyond Tandy Tangerine Multi-Vitamin + Mineral Complex has 1,000 mg Vitamin C per 2 scoops serving, plus the other Vitamins and Minerals, in the Synergistic balance that the body needs to be healthy and fix itself.
Reference article, Acid Reflux: A Holistic Approach by Satesh Narain.
• Olive Leaf Extract by Good Herbs – This prevents infection. Dosage for Adults: 2 ml three times a day. If you are, sick 4ml four times a day.
• Collodial Silver – ARGENTYN 23 by Natural Immunogenics, if you are sick. Inhale 4 times a day with a nebulizer.
Reference: Colloidal Silver 101 with Dr. Glidden, ND
• Copper door knobs – Installed in the Hospitals, copper kills viruses on contact.
• Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD Alternative Treatment
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is the leading MD in the world. He has successfully treated over 900 cases of Lyme Disease without the use of antibiotics. In addition, he is the leading Medical Doctor in the world who looks deeply into the causes and solutions for Alzheimer, Parkinson, Lyme, Autism and other chronic illnesses. He also has clinical experience with SARS and MERSA.
Dr. Klinghardt is the Founder of Klinghardt Academy (USA), Sophia Health Institute, American Academy of Neural Therapy, Medical Director of the Institute of Neurobiology, Founder and Chairman of the Institute for Neurobiology in Germany and Switzerland. His Clinical Centres are in UK (Klinghardt Institute), Germany, Switzerland and USA (Sophia Health Institute).
His Alternative Approaches - Treatment of a possible infected or diagnosed COVID-19 patient:
• Vitamin C: Take a minimum dose of 2,000 mg per day.
• Alina: Take 1,000 mg Nitazoxanide twice a day for 10 days.
• Chlorquine phosphate: Dose: 500 mg twice a day for 10 days.
Based on Dr. Klinghardt prior clinical experience with SARS and MERSA, in addition to the Treatment and Prevention of COVID-19 (as reported in Medcape) his recommendations include a mixture of the following:
• Calendula
• Licorice
• Scutalaria
• Rosemary
• Andrographis
• Artemisa annua
• Dandelion
Put 100 ml water in a blender
Add 14 grams of Vitamin C powder
Add 2 tablespoons of Microphos
Blend for a few minutes.
In addition, to the above mixture, Dr. Klinghardt also recommended:
• Propolis: Propolis is a potent anti-viral and it can also be used in a Propolis vaporizer (Ki Science) in homes. It is also very effective in neutralizing circulating mycotoxins in the ambient air.
• Vitamin D3: 6,000 - 10,000 IU
• HOCL Spray
The above products can be bought at Ki Science in the UK.
The live recording (PDF document) of Dr. Klinghardt presentation on 9th March 2020 on the Corona virus can be viewed at
Set up a Special COVID-19 Medical Task Force:
In 1922, Canada had Nurse Rene Casse. If the USA is serious about this, just like dealing with criminal investigations or space age science, they can put a super special task force together with the leading minds, to come up with the solutions.
Who are the top minds in the medical field in North America and the leading doctors in the world?
In my opinion, there are seven leading doctors in the world, who look deeply into the causes of illnesses and specialize in the reversal of chronic illnesses. There is one doctor in Argentina, one in Perú (Dr. Roberto Incháustegui Gonzáles), one in Germany and four in the USA.
The leading minds for the COVID 19 Medical Task Force are listed below: .
• Dr. Peter Glidden, BS, ND. - as Lead.
• Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD.
• Dr. Judy Mikovits. She is the leading scientist in the world on Retroviruses.
• Cuba – MAHT (Major Auto Hemo Therapy): Blood is taken out of the vein, flushed out with Ozone (Hyperbaric oxygen) and put back in the body. Marcus Freudenmann explains this on his video, Surviving the Coronavirus with Ozone.
• Ozonoterapia (O3 - Ozone Therapy) is used in Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Italy and Spain to treat other issues.
Canada and USA have only two super credible news reporters, Peter Mansbridge (Canadian) and Ted Coppell (American - USA). Today's news media only propagate negative programming loaded with fear tactics, reductionist news and mass hysteria. If the news Media wishes to educate themselves on this topic or for that matter, any other health topic, they can start by looking at the two leading doctors in the world websites, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt (at Klinghardt academy and Klinghardt institute) and Dr. Peter Glidden.
Solutions for COVID-19
• Boosting Your Immune System
• Ginger and Lemon Tea
The medicine of the Shamans and Curanderos / Curanderas (Healers) from Perú, Brasil and Argentina, South America.
Recipe of Maestro Agustin Rivas (Viejo) of Perú and Nina Caspi of Argentina.
. Grate ginger (scrape or peel the skin off first) or cut ginger in small pieces
. Put the ginger with some water in a blender and blend
. Pour in a pot with water
. Cut about ½ of a lemon, slice it with the skin and put in the pot with ginger and water
. Boil for about 5 – 8 minutes
. Let it settle for a few minutes
. Add a spoon of honey to a cup of the preparation and drink
. Drink a cup in the morning and one in the evening if sick.
. Take ½ teaspoon of turmeric with warm milk or water at nights.
. Açaí Tea: Add a teaspoon of Açaí to a cup of boiling water and drink.
. Camu Camu (Reference article by Satesh Narain, 12 Super Good Foods)
. BioPure Japanese Knotweed Tincture (Available at Sophia Health Institute)
. Nature's Pearl Muscadine Grape Seed Capsules
. Olive Leaf Extract by Good Herb
. Cinnamon and honey
. Suero if you are sick. Canada does not have this. I do not know what the English word nor equivalent is. In Colombia, South America, many Health Clinics use this IV Solution drop treatment in the vein, to boost immune system. It is about a 45 minutes procedure.
. Joy of the MOUNTAINS Oil of Oregano for viruses, if you are sick.
. Dr. Peter Glidden’s Recommendation
Dr. Peter Glidden is the leading Naturopath Doctor in this sector of the world (Canada and USA) and he is one of the seven leading doctors in the world with solutions to illnesses.
His Recommendation to Corona Virus - Boosting Your Immune System are:
• Stop the 12 Bad Foods (Reference 12 Bad Foods by Dr. Peter Glidden, ND)
• Supplement with the 91 Essential Nutrients – Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak. The Beyond Tandy Tangerine Multi-Vitamin + Mineral Complex has 1,000 mg Vitamin C per 2 scoops serving, plus the other Vitamins and Minerals, in the Synergistic balance that the body needs to be healthy and fix itself.
Reference article, Acid Reflux: A Holistic Approach by Satesh Narain.
• Olive Leaf Extract by Good Herbs – This prevents infection. Dosage for Adults: 2 ml three times a day. If you are, sick 4ml four times a day.
• Collodial Silver – ARGENTYN 23 by Natural Immunogenics, if you are sick. Inhale 4 times a day with a nebulizer.
Reference: Colloidal Silver 101 with Dr. Glidden, ND
• Copper door knobs – Installed in the Hospitals, copper kills viruses on contact.
• Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD Alternative Treatment
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is the leading MD in the world. He has successfully treated over 900 cases of Lyme Disease without the use of antibiotics. In addition, he is the leading Medical Doctor in the world who looks deeply into the causes and solutions for Alzheimer, Parkinson, Lyme, Autism and other chronic illnesses. He also has clinical experience with SARS and MERSA.
Dr. Klinghardt is the Founder of Klinghardt Academy (USA), Sophia Health Institute, American Academy of Neural Therapy, Medical Director of the Institute of Neurobiology, Founder and Chairman of the Institute for Neurobiology in Germany and Switzerland. His Clinical Centres are in UK (Klinghardt Institute), Germany, Switzerland and USA (Sophia Health Institute).
His Alternative Approaches - Treatment of a possible infected or diagnosed COVID-19 patient:
• Vitamin C: Take a minimum dose of 2,000 mg per day.
• Alina: Take 1,000 mg Nitazoxanide twice a day for 10 days.
• Chlorquine phosphate: Dose: 500 mg twice a day for 10 days.
Based on Dr. Klinghardt prior clinical experience with SARS and MERSA, in addition to the Treatment and Prevention of COVID-19 (as reported in Medcape) his recommendations include a mixture of the following:
• Calendula
• Licorice
• Scutalaria
• Rosemary
• Andrographis
• Artemisa annua
• Dandelion
Put 100 ml water in a blender
Add 14 grams of Vitamin C powder
Add 2 tablespoons of Microphos
Blend for a few minutes.
In addition, to the above mixture, Dr. Klinghardt also recommended:
• Propolis: Propolis is a potent anti-viral and it can also be used in a Propolis vaporizer (Ki Science) in homes. It is also very effective in neutralizing circulating mycotoxins in the ambient air.
• Vitamin D3: 6,000 - 10,000 IU
• HOCL Spray
The above products can be bought at Ki Science in the UK.
The live recording (PDF document) of Dr. Klinghardt presentation on 9th March 2020 on the Corona virus can be viewed at
Set up a Special COVID-19 Medical Task Force:
In 1922, Canada had Nurse Rene Casse. If the USA is serious about this, just like dealing with criminal investigations or space age science, they can put a super special task force together with the leading minds, to come up with the solutions.
Who are the top minds in the medical field in North America and the leading doctors in the world?
In my opinion, there are seven leading doctors in the world, who look deeply into the causes of illnesses and specialize in the reversal of chronic illnesses. There is one doctor in Argentina, one in Perú (Dr. Roberto Incháustegui Gonzáles), one in Germany and four in the USA.
The leading minds for the COVID 19 Medical Task Force are listed below: .
• Dr. Peter Glidden, BS, ND. - as Lead.
• Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD.
• Dr. Judy Mikovits. She is the leading scientist in the world on Retroviruses.
• Cuba – MAHT (Major Auto Hemo Therapy): Blood is taken out of the vein, flushed out with Ozone (Hyperbaric oxygen) and put back in the body. Marcus Freudenmann explains this on his video, Surviving the Coronavirus with Ozone.
• Ozonoterapia (O3 - Ozone Therapy) is used in Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Italy and Spain to treat other issues.
Surviving the Coronavirus with Ozone
Marcus Freudenmann from Australia has an excellent video on Preventing / Surviving Corona Virus with his TRULYHEAL O3 Generator.
In my opinion, Marcus Freudenmann TRULYHEAL O3 Generator is an asset in this case. This device not only can be used for internal treatment purposes, it can also be used to make O3 antiseptic spray to eliminate bacteria on the surface of objects.
Reference: Preventing / Surviving Corona Virus by Marcus Freudenmann
O3 Equipment can be purchased here.
• Homepathic Medicines: Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH from HOMEOPATHIC EDUCATIONAL SERVICES has an excellent e-newslettter on Homeopathy & the Coronavirus (+ NEW INFO!) that warrants awareness.
Below are Dana Ullman choices of Homepathic Medicines to treat this virus:
• Gelsemium (first choice)
• Bryonia or Eupatorium perf (as second choices).
• SQUILLA MAR is another potentially important remedy.
• China nosode 200C (The cost of this nosode is $30 USD. It can be purchased here.
• Thymulin 9C (Thymulin is a hormone that helps the body create T-cells which help fight viral infections).
The cost for Thymulin 9C is about $12.00 USD and can be purchased at Homepathic Family Medicine,
Reference: The article by Dana Ullman.
• Avoid excess sugar.
Sugar suppresses the immune system and makes one more susceptible to picking up illnesses.
Reference: Coronavirus FAQs and How To Decrease The Transmission Of All Viral Illnesses by Dr. Laura Koniver, M.D.
Excess sugar also comes from a high carbonated diet which includes too much fruits that are high in the Glycemic Index.
• Limit Wi-Fi exposure when possible.
"Could there be a link between 5G and Coronavirus?" Lloyd Burrell from the UK has an interesting article on China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus. The article can be viewed via link below.
. This article can be accessed here.
The article identified the places with the highest COVID-19 casualties:
• In areas of China (130,000 5G) with 5G antennae, for instance Wuhan Province, China (10,000 5G)
• In areas of South Korea with 5G Service
• In areas of Italy with 5G Service
• Belgium who decided not to trail 5G, due to radiation concerns, only had one case of coronavirus (recovered) at the time of the article.
Below is a point taken from Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt's Corona 2020 March 2020 Presentaion:
• The Evergreen Hospital in Washington State, USA with the highest 5G Wi-Fi exposured ever measured in a hospital, had 6 deaths in the same hospital. At the time of the article, 14 deaths related to COVID-19 were reported in the USA.
Another very interesting article from Lloyd Burrell is on EMFs And Indoor Mold – The Connection. This article can be accessed via here.
In this article there is a 5:28 minutes video where Dr. Dietrick Klinghardt drew a link between Electromagnetic Fields and the increase production of biotoxins in a mold culture. He demonstrated an experiment from a physician in Switzerland who showed, the production of biotoxins in a mold culture increased more than 600 times after being exposed to ambient electromagnetic radiation from a nearby cell phone tower.
Marcus Freudenmann from Australia has an excellent video on Preventing / Surviving Corona Virus with his TRULYHEAL O3 Generator.
In my opinion, Marcus Freudenmann TRULYHEAL O3 Generator is an asset in this case. This device not only can be used for internal treatment purposes, it can also be used to make O3 antiseptic spray to eliminate bacteria on the surface of objects.
Reference: Preventing / Surviving Corona Virus by Marcus Freudenmann
O3 Equipment can be purchased here.
• Homepathic Medicines: Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH from HOMEOPATHIC EDUCATIONAL SERVICES has an excellent e-newslettter on Homeopathy & the Coronavirus (+ NEW INFO!) that warrants awareness.
Below are Dana Ullman choices of Homepathic Medicines to treat this virus:
• Gelsemium (first choice)
• Bryonia or Eupatorium perf (as second choices).
• SQUILLA MAR is another potentially important remedy.
• China nosode 200C (The cost of this nosode is $30 USD. It can be purchased here.
• Thymulin 9C (Thymulin is a hormone that helps the body create T-cells which help fight viral infections).
The cost for Thymulin 9C is about $12.00 USD and can be purchased at Homepathic Family Medicine,
Reference: The article by Dana Ullman.
• Avoid excess sugar.
Sugar suppresses the immune system and makes one more susceptible to picking up illnesses.
Reference: Coronavirus FAQs and How To Decrease The Transmission Of All Viral Illnesses by Dr. Laura Koniver, M.D.
Excess sugar also comes from a high carbonated diet which includes too much fruits that are high in the Glycemic Index.
• Limit Wi-Fi exposure when possible.
"Could there be a link between 5G and Coronavirus?" Lloyd Burrell from the UK has an interesting article on China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus. The article can be viewed via link below.
. This article can be accessed here.
The article identified the places with the highest COVID-19 casualties:
• In areas of China (130,000 5G) with 5G antennae, for instance Wuhan Province, China (10,000 5G)
• In areas of South Korea with 5G Service
• In areas of Italy with 5G Service
• Belgium who decided not to trail 5G, due to radiation concerns, only had one case of coronavirus (recovered) at the time of the article.
Below is a point taken from Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt's Corona 2020 March 2020 Presentaion:
• The Evergreen Hospital in Washington State, USA with the highest 5G Wi-Fi exposured ever measured in a hospital, had 6 deaths in the same hospital. At the time of the article, 14 deaths related to COVID-19 were reported in the USA.
Another very interesting article from Lloyd Burrell is on EMFs And Indoor Mold – The Connection. This article can be accessed via here.
In this article there is a 5:28 minutes video where Dr. Dietrick Klinghardt drew a link between Electromagnetic Fields and the increase production of biotoxins in a mold culture. He demonstrated an experiment from a physician in Switzerland who showed, the production of biotoxins in a mold culture increased more than 600 times after being exposed to ambient electromagnetic radiation from a nearby cell phone tower.
August 14, 2011
05 - Klinghardt 01 Video 02 (Taken from YouTube) |
Turn off / unplug electrical cord from outlet, of all wireless devices which includes wirelless TV and cordless phones at night or put a timer on them to Turn Off at night and Turn On in the morning.
Accordingly to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, it is night time when we are most vulnerable of cell phone radiation, as the Para-sympathetic nervous system is active and sympathetic nerves are withdrawing, that is when most of the damage is done to the BBB (Blood Brain Barrier).
Reference: EMF Radiation and Health Concerns by Satesh Narain – Part IV
Start wearing EMF Protective clothing.
Reference: EMF and RF Products by Satesh Narain
• Install Air Purifier System/s and UV Light to kill airborne viruses - mycotoxins in the workplace and home.
Casas de Healing
This article is intended for general guidance and informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information provided with other trusted sources. Patients and consumers should review the information carefully with their professional health care provider. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by other physicians. The author will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising therefrom.
Accordingly to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, it is night time when we are most vulnerable of cell phone radiation, as the Para-sympathetic nervous system is active and sympathetic nerves are withdrawing, that is when most of the damage is done to the BBB (Blood Brain Barrier).
Reference: EMF Radiation and Health Concerns by Satesh Narain – Part IV
Start wearing EMF Protective clothing.
Reference: EMF and RF Products by Satesh Narain
• Install Air Purifier System/s and UV Light to kill airborne viruses - mycotoxins in the workplace and home.
Casas de Healing
This article is intended for general guidance and informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information provided with other trusted sources. Patients and consumers should review the information carefully with their professional health care provider. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by other physicians. The author will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising therefrom.