EMF Radiation and Health Concerns
Is EMF Radiation (Microwave: Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, etc.) the leading cause for most illness today? - Part VI
By Satesh Narain
Edited by Joe Singh B.A., M.A.
November 12th, 2017
Dr. Carlos Sosa Interview - Medellín, Colombia
In March 2017, I heard from Don Humberto Franco, an Electronic Engineer and one of the top inventors in Colombia for many Alternative Medical Devices about Dr. Carlos Sosa. Don Humberto advised that I should speak with Dr. Sosa. Dr. Sosa was very sick and stayed at Don Humberto’s place for eight months and got help with his illness. A phone call was made and I spoke with Dr. Carlos Sosa and secured an appointment for an interview.
We met for 36 minutes on a Sunday. I was very impressed with Dr. Carlos. He is the only person who I have spoken to with so much knowledge and authority on the subject, of EMF Radiation and the negative effects/harm that are caused by it. Dr. Carlos is not only a medical doctor, but also a patient.
Excerpts of Dr. Carlos Sosa’s MD, Surgeon Interview
My name is Carlos Sosa, I am a Medical doctor. I graduated in Medellín, Colombia, from the University of Antioquia. I worked for several years as an ER Physician and since 2006, I have been sick with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity.
First of all, I had to abandon the profession. I couldn’t work for five years and resumed in 2011 / 2012 and worked for another two years. I could not tolerate the cell phones of my patients and I had to completely abandon the profession in 2013. I have not been working in terms of having patients on a daily basis since 2013. Every once in a while, I see one or two patients per week, but I still cannot tolerate the Electric Magnetic Fields from all these fancy Cell phones, which nowadays are working on 4 and 5 G technology.
Satesh: Tell me about how you went to Don Humberto’s place when you were sick and stayed there for a while.
Dr. Carlos: Before going to Don Humberto Franco, an Electronic Engineer from University of Antioquia. I spend a year in the woods in a town three hours from Medellín called Santo Rosa de Osos. Santo Rosa de Osos is the place where my father was born and he knew the area. We used to have a farm there, but we could not return since the 1980’s because of all the violence. They used to have it as a place to hide the people who were kidnapped by guerrilla groups, criminals and Paramilitary Forces and we couldn’t return. In 2006, I received the diagnosis of Dr. William Rea of the Environmental Health Center in Texas. Dr. Rea was the first Dean of the first program in Environmental Health Medicine and he helped set up the clinic in 1974 in Dallas, Texas. So, I had to go to him. I already knew the diagnosis, but I didn’t know about the treatments he applied to me.
One of the first things, he told me, is that I had to get away from all these Electric Magnetic Fields that are contaminating modern cities throughout the world. This he told me is an international phenomena known since the 1940’s and 1950’s - that Microwaves and Radio Frequency Radiation are toxic to human beings.
There are too many vested interests there with a wide gamut of criminal intentions. Some of them coming from something absolutely ridiculous, called the International Commission for Radiation Non-Ionize Radiation Protection. This body was set up by the German Cell Phone industry with Michael Repacholi as Director, a physicist of dubious ethics. An Australian physicist who works at La Sapienza University in Rome, was the first director and of course, he knows nothing about medicine, he knows nothing about, or of neurology, he knows nothing about cardiology, he knows nothing about epidemiology, he knows nothing about basically anything pertinent about the medical effects of EMF radiation. This Commission has been continuously perpetuating a massive fraud for the past 20 – 25 years. Around 1982-1983 the cell phone Telephony infrastructure was set up in the US. Given that there is a mountain of irrefutable empirical evidence of the deleterious medical effects of Electric Magnetic Frequency and Microwave Radiation, these antennas, those WIFI Antennas throughout the world should be abhorrent to anyone knowledgeable on the subject. It is equally appalling to see these dangerous antennas for example here in Medellín. It is a shocking disgrace and absolutely shameful that there are innumerable medical facilities and hospitals with these dangerous antennas.
The Hospital where I studied medicine, clinical medicine is the San Vicente Hospital. It has a cell phone antenna just beside the ER and next to the Pathology Institute. This is totally unbelievable. It is just an index, a beautiful index of total ignorance of the medical profession in both Colombia and throughout the world that doctors simply do not know anything about this medical hazard. This is by the fact, and an issue that goes back over 100 years. Many publications have documented in great detail the death of people in proximity of 500 meters around cell phone and Wi-Fi antennas throughout the world and it continues to occur everywhere. I have a friend who lives two blocks away from my house. An antenna was erected a few years ago close to her house, ninety meters less than a block away and I told her about the dangers and explained the whole medical issue and proposed initiation of legal action. We did against the location of the antenna, but she has a sister who works for the Colombian Justice System. She is an attorney, very high ranking in the Judicial System. She goes around with bodyguards and is under the active care of the police because of her involvement in high-profile criminal cases. She told my friend not to sign anything, because she can get herself killed, so she did not do anything. I said Nuvia, do not worry, we will still keep on being friends. Nothing has happened and I am not going to take it a personal offence. It is very natural that what your sister the attorney is saying is totally true as many people have been killed.
Electric Magnetic Fields basically affect every tissue and every organ in the body - the brain, the eyes, the thyroid, the heart, the liver, the pancreas, the intestines, the kidneys, the skin, the bones. Everything is affected by Electric Magnetic Fields..... So, there is a whole bunch of military and commercial issues working in consort against the people of not only the United States, but basically all of mankind to hide and obfuscate their medical malfeasance and keep it a top secret.
Now speaking of top secret, there is a very important document, which was made public, I think in 2006, under the title of Glaser List, Evidence Against Cell Phones. I had contact with a very high ranking top secret document, known as the Glaser List. Let me tell you a story, there was a Bio-Physicist working in the Naval Forces, at the Pacific Naval Forces Research Lab in San Diego, California. His name is Zorach Glaser. Now, Glaser was in charge, so he travelled throughout the Socialist Countries - Poland, the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Romania, etc. He looked at all the scientific publications, in the Hospitals, in the Universities, in the Military where he had access and he started to gather all that information, because we are talking early 1960’s when there was a race for the control of space. There was a military race, there was already a nuclear race going on. So, Radio Frequency Radiation and Micro Waves were being developed to the control and communicate with missiles, space and military technology. It was state of art technology, so the US, of course, had a sharp interest. They had a high interest in getting access to Soviet investigations on this subject. So, they started sponsoring all Glaser’s research. All he managed to gather every five years were published. This was a voluminous bibliography back in 2006. I have access to the Glaser list from the first version. I think it dates back to 1971 or 1972. I got it from a patient in the US, who was very sick and had the Glaser List. Back in those days, there were no automatic modem, we had to connect to the telephone and she was allergic to the telephone, so she said “Carlos, listen if I can, I will try my best to use the telephone” and you might remember the sound, that it used to go “chhhhhh bebebe chhhhhh bebebe” and eventually we would connect. So, I got the Glaser List, it was a beautiful document, that version 1971 contained about 2300 references - over 2300 International References. Many of were American references, but there were also German references, French references and of course Soviet Block references concerning the medical effects.
And if you take a look at the 1971 version, it speaks to an international tragedy..... Of course, there was a military interest, there was a Commercial Interest and they were not going to change that. This is exactly the same story as the tobacco industry science. All these frauds are known in medicine as “Tobacco Science.” What Tobacco Science means, is that all have an Internationally Health Institute, like the WHO, World Health Organization. There are gonna have a bunch of clowns, with lawyers, Business Administration or Engineers, saying, oh do not worry, there is no evidence that tobacco smoke causes any damages, which is basically what is happening in medicine several times. Sadly, it is not just tobacco, asbestos and thousand other chemical products and chemical substances that are directly linked to causation of diseases and death.
It is happening over and over and over and not just with tobacco, as I said before, but Electric Magnetic Fields. It is tragic, but with tobacco we did not have the evidence. The evidence was gathered slowly by the medical profession.
In the late 1980’s the first cases reached the Supreme Court by which time we had the evidence that is was not just damaging the lungs but the heart, the kidneys, larynx, the pherins, the brain, the vascular system, basically every organ are affected by tobacco smoke. And the same happens with Electric Magnetic Fields.
The main difference is that we have the evidence since the late 1940’s and early 1950’s when it was still called the Glaser List. The CIA had a program since the late 1940’s when it was still called the OSS. They had an institute called The Joint Publication Research Service, which was responsible for translating, mainly Soviet documents dealing with the medical effects of Electric Magnetic Fields. The JPRS, Joint Publication Research Service, published for the CIA and translated for the CIA many confidential and many stolen documents from the Socialist Countries, especially the Soviet Union. You can now read what we are experiencing with all the Cell Phones Antennas, Wi-Fi antennas, Routers in Schools, Routers in Universities of people getting sick due to because of something we knew have been for decades.
William Hearts, the German Physicist described how Electric Magnetic Fields work. He authored one of the first medical documents describing the effects of Electric Magnetic Fields. His work established that it is a shame, a genocide and a crime against mankind to continue with technologies creating Electric Magnetic Fields. They have known for decades that its effects are toxic, it kills people. They are thousands of thousands of thousands of people dying of cancer who are exposed to Cell Phone antennas, routers and Cell Phones Mass, as they call them in the UK.
They have been very very famous cases, in Spain and Europe generally. Europe is one of the regions with a medical crisis – a colossal medical crisis. Two or three years ago, I was contacted by Angel Martin, the son of one of the most well-known victims in Spain. Her name was Angela Hein. Angela was a patient with severe Electrical Magnetic Field disease. She had Electric Magnetic Sensitivity. Her son Angel called me two or three years ago and told me that he was desperate about her condition - that she was in very bad shape. They had changed homes about four or five times. I suggested that they should remove all her dental amalgams, all the silver fillings in her teeth because one of the cause of this is mercury in tooth fillings which acts as receptors to antenna waves. Mercury in tooth-filling amalgam is also toxic and creates havoc with the Central Nervous System. She exhibited basically the same clinical experiences I had - headaches, severe memory loss, hypertension and palpations. She was experiencing a burning sensation every time, she got close to her house, because the Electric Magnetic Fields damages the BBB, the Blood Brain Barrier crucial to the health of the Central Nervous System. The BB Barrier and the Brain Blood Barrier, are vascular structures protecting the brain from viruses, fungi development, chemical products and harmful proteins.
Big proteins prevent these elements from getting access to the Central Nervous System which is one of the first causalities. The Brain Blood Barrier is destroyed by Electric Magnetic Fields, So, EMF it has a broad impact, not just from a medical stand point, but also from a human stand point. You know every time I start talking about this Electric Magnetic Fields, most doctors turn around and say ok, what else do you have? They know nothing about EMF and my personal disastrous experience with it. It is a personal tragedy - ten years ago I was going to get married to a wonderful woman who saw me in the middle of the woods, living in a tent, with no job, no friends, no money and said “Carlos, do not count on me, I do not want to see you again” and I never saw her again.
It tells a lot about human beings. We are just a bunch of worms, opportunistic worms and many people have closed their doors in my face, when I asked for help. Many of the medical doctors, specialists, did not want to learn what this is about. Many of them would not accept the medical evidence, the medical studies. So, it has been a hell of an experience.
You know I have become an international personality, like an artist or a celebrity. I get emails from people who are sick, who are dying from Electric Magnetic Fields and I have been able to help many of them. One of them was Angela in Spain. She improves wonderfully after the amalgam were removed, the dental fillings, the silver fillings they call them. I cried a lot when she died. She committed suicide. I had forgotten to tell her if she was going to get a new apartment she had to be very cautious of neighbours using cell phones or those new tablets or smart phones and all those EMF emitting wireless gadgets. If one of her neighbours did, the symptoms would probably return. In her new apartment, an upstairs neighbour bought a new tablet and her symptoms returned and in desperation she committed suicide.
The criminal intentions of Governments, both from the Governments, from the Military and Industry are absolutely repugnant and rise to the level of criminality. They have committed criminal malfeasance intentionally. They know, it is known, the evidence exists. I just got a whole bunch of documents from the CIA about the Soviet evidence relating to this, which have existed for decades even before the advent of the first cell phone, allegedly by a guy from Motorola called Monte Cooper, which is just another falsification of engineering science. A Soviet Engineer invented the first cell phone fifteen years, but of course, the US does not want that to be known. And, I do not know, what else would you like me to talk about.
Satesh: Your healing process.
Dr. Carlos: Ok, the healing process has been very hard, because Dr. Rea treatment was not very good. Dr. Rea was extremely honest telling me, look Carlos, I have a wide gamut of clinical results, I have patients that come once and are cured, there are patients who are more or less functional, that they who can work. Sometimes they go to a movie, go to a restaurant, but they keep on being electro sensitive. Sometimes they have their ups and downs and they are patients that never get healed, they never get cured, no matter what I do. It is a matter of time, there is no way of knowing, if you are going to get cured. So, I cannot tell you at this point of time, the first time I visited him. I cannot tell you if you are going to get cured. Nowadays, I am somewhat functional, I can be in a city, I can go sometimes to a restaurant. Sometimes, I can go a movie, but many times I cannot, because apart from the EHS, those Electric Magnetic Fields have another effect - they destroy the autonomous nervous system. So, ..... (24:35) ..... got better in the past five years, but every once in a while, I start experiencing all the symptoms of dysautonomia, tachycardia, nausea and sweating. I feel very bad when dysautonomia returns and I start forgetting things and I start losing my concentration and all I can do is stay in bed because many times I get disoriented with respect to place, space and time. So, it is hard, very hard.
I managed to read the Soviet literature, to have access to some of the treatments they used, particularly the Institute of Industrial Hygiene in Moscow and the Ukraine. The Horlivka (25:43) treatment performed marvellously at the time, but there were some risks with the drugs prescribed. I would say at this point in time, that there is no known treatment for EHS, for Electric Magnetic Sensitivity that works 100 % in all cases. So, it is pretty hard, it is very complex malady and each case is absolutely different. One patient has an impact on the Central Nervous System, another on their peripheral nervous system, or on the heart, or on the pancreas, or on the kidneys or on the thyroid or the endocrine system - it is very variable. The clinical picture varies according to the frequencies and electromagnetic intensity measured in tesla units and genetic damage and of course all the alterations of the normal physiology of the afflicted person.
Satesh: Tell me about when you went for treatment at Don Humberto
Dr. Carlos: First when I returned from Dr. Rea, I went to Santa Rosa located in the jungle. I stayed there for a whole year. It was very hard, it was hard to get the food there, to get the water. Few months before, the Paramilitary had been there and the Army just kicked them out, they killed some of them and I stayed at the spot where they used to live. And it was pretty hard. Dr. Rea had a patient in the 1970’s who worked for Mc Donald Douglas. She had to go to the Colorado Canyon to live in a car. At night she could sense, she could feel the electric magnetic radiation coming from the satellites hundreds of kilometers away. I had the same experience when I was in the middle of the jungle. I started feeling the Radars of the International Routers heading to North America and the Aeroplanes coming from North America heading South and I started feeling the pain from the satellites. There were a few that I could see, because you could see the light coming from them at 2 am and 3 am. So, eventually I had to decide, I was feeling bad in the jungle and I made my decision to return to the city, because I was going to die in the middle of the jungle with all the hardship.
And when I came back, you know Medellín is a city surrounded by mountains, there was an Electronics Engineer who is a friend of a lady at the bank that I used to go and she told me about him. So, I called him up and he already knew about EHS because he worked for several years taking measurements of Electromagnetic Fields for a medical doctor who is very well known here and who has been working on the subject. So, I went to his place, a beautiful place up in the mountains.
He gave me shelter for a year and I stayed another year. The place was either behind or at top of the valley and it was somewhat clean. Now I can say that he is likely my best friend.
Satesh: And you feel better?
Dr. Carlos: I did feel better.
I stayed there for 8 months and then my sister got a Faraday cage developed by an uptown New York company that does shielding for the Electronics Industry. I bought a tent that had the shielding. You can see the video of the Carlos Sosa EMF Tent on You Tube.
I lived in the tent for five years because I could not tolerate the EMF contamination in the city. After five years, I recovered and went back to work. That was around 2011. I worked for two years and I had to quit, because EMF radiation continued unabated due to the ever-increasing number of antennas. But nowadays, I could at least, live in the city, which for me is a remarkable success.
Satesh: Thank you Dr. Carlos.
Dr. Carlos: Satesh you have a wonderful heart, you are an extraordinary human being, you already knew about the subject and I want to wish you the best success with all your projects. Your book, your commercial operations, your healing intentions and man, you got to treasure being down there in the Peruvian jungle and you can make it known in Colombia and all parts of the world. Man, count on me as one of our first patients.
I had the chance to meet Dr. Havas personally. I had talked to her a few times, but I met her when Dr. Rea invited us to lunch on the first day of the congress. By chance we were seated next to each other. My plan back in 2010 was to go to Baltimore, where Dr. Zorach Glaser lives. He is now retired and no longer works with the Navy. For several years, he worked in the Research Triangle in the Carolinas. I am not certain where in the Carolinas he worked, so I was planning to go to Dr. Rea’s congress and afterwards go to Washington to find Dr. Zorach Glaser. During lunch Dr. Magda Havas, who taught biology at Trent University in Canada, told me that two or three months earlier, she personally talked to him and asked him of the whereabouts of for the archives which consisted of 48 or 49 giant boxes of documents. Dr. Glaser kept a personal archive, I know now know how many documents are in his archive. My guess is over 5,000 documents on the medical effects of Electric Magnetic Fields. We discussed the Russian literature on the subject and ended up talking about the Glaser List, which I was the first to report on. Someone had sent her a copy of my report and she said ahh listen I talked to Dr. Glaser a few months ago and I got the whole 50 or 48 boxes home. I drove down there, rented a truck and took the whole archive back in Canada. For the material, I had to agree to a compromise with Dr. Zorach Glaser, the compromise being that I would have to make it public.
I do not know what happened, but since 2010 Dr. Havas only released 10 documents to the public. I have asked her several times. I do not know why, she is not willing to make the rest of the archives known. I do not know whether her reluctance to release the documents is due to some kind of menace or threats. She does not take kindly to me anymore. I tried to convince her that the scientific knowledge belongs to mankind and not to her - the entire archive belongs to mankind, as it represents the investigation, the study, the research of scientists all around the world – scientist in Poland, the Soviet Union, the United States, France, Germany, China and Japan. Zorach Glaser unfortunately gave her the 48 boxes and the result is they are now not available to the public due to her unwillingness to share.
There are credible research and supporting evidence for over 80 years that microwave radiation is detrimental to all life forms and causes biological damage, contrary to what is taught and said by many, especially those who are responsible for public and occupational health. The main evidence is contained in the Glaser List.
The good news is, with technology and good medicine, many are healed by various treatments of medical doctors. In addition, many have traveled to other parts of the world to find the best medical doctors, alternative treatments and other healers are have been healed.
Now, the question is what if it is EMF Microwave radiation from wireless devices in our living environment that is the main contributing cause for illnesses and we are not aware of it? What will happen, after one is being treated healed and they return to the same environment, that is the main source/ cause of their illness? We do not have control over the microwave signals from Cell Towers, but we have control of the microwave signals inside of our homes - from the wireless phones and other wireless devices. We can try to limit the microwave exposure inside out homes, by implementing some of the suggestions that was mentioned in the recommendations.
Is EMF Radiation (Microwave: Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, etc.) the leading cause for most illness today? - Part VI
By Satesh Narain
Edited by Joe Singh B.A., M.A.
November 12th, 2017
Dr. Carlos Sosa Interview - Medellín, Colombia
In March 2017, I heard from Don Humberto Franco, an Electronic Engineer and one of the top inventors in Colombia for many Alternative Medical Devices about Dr. Carlos Sosa. Don Humberto advised that I should speak with Dr. Sosa. Dr. Sosa was very sick and stayed at Don Humberto’s place for eight months and got help with his illness. A phone call was made and I spoke with Dr. Carlos Sosa and secured an appointment for an interview.
We met for 36 minutes on a Sunday. I was very impressed with Dr. Carlos. He is the only person who I have spoken to with so much knowledge and authority on the subject, of EMF Radiation and the negative effects/harm that are caused by it. Dr. Carlos is not only a medical doctor, but also a patient.
Excerpts of Dr. Carlos Sosa’s MD, Surgeon Interview
My name is Carlos Sosa, I am a Medical doctor. I graduated in Medellín, Colombia, from the University of Antioquia. I worked for several years as an ER Physician and since 2006, I have been sick with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity.
First of all, I had to abandon the profession. I couldn’t work for five years and resumed in 2011 / 2012 and worked for another two years. I could not tolerate the cell phones of my patients and I had to completely abandon the profession in 2013. I have not been working in terms of having patients on a daily basis since 2013. Every once in a while, I see one or two patients per week, but I still cannot tolerate the Electric Magnetic Fields from all these fancy Cell phones, which nowadays are working on 4 and 5 G technology.
Satesh: Tell me about how you went to Don Humberto’s place when you were sick and stayed there for a while.
Dr. Carlos: Before going to Don Humberto Franco, an Electronic Engineer from University of Antioquia. I spend a year in the woods in a town three hours from Medellín called Santo Rosa de Osos. Santo Rosa de Osos is the place where my father was born and he knew the area. We used to have a farm there, but we could not return since the 1980’s because of all the violence. They used to have it as a place to hide the people who were kidnapped by guerrilla groups, criminals and Paramilitary Forces and we couldn’t return. In 2006, I received the diagnosis of Dr. William Rea of the Environmental Health Center in Texas. Dr. Rea was the first Dean of the first program in Environmental Health Medicine and he helped set up the clinic in 1974 in Dallas, Texas. So, I had to go to him. I already knew the diagnosis, but I didn’t know about the treatments he applied to me.
One of the first things, he told me, is that I had to get away from all these Electric Magnetic Fields that are contaminating modern cities throughout the world. This he told me is an international phenomena known since the 1940’s and 1950’s - that Microwaves and Radio Frequency Radiation are toxic to human beings.
There are too many vested interests there with a wide gamut of criminal intentions. Some of them coming from something absolutely ridiculous, called the International Commission for Radiation Non-Ionize Radiation Protection. This body was set up by the German Cell Phone industry with Michael Repacholi as Director, a physicist of dubious ethics. An Australian physicist who works at La Sapienza University in Rome, was the first director and of course, he knows nothing about medicine, he knows nothing about, or of neurology, he knows nothing about cardiology, he knows nothing about epidemiology, he knows nothing about basically anything pertinent about the medical effects of EMF radiation. This Commission has been continuously perpetuating a massive fraud for the past 20 – 25 years. Around 1982-1983 the cell phone Telephony infrastructure was set up in the US. Given that there is a mountain of irrefutable empirical evidence of the deleterious medical effects of Electric Magnetic Frequency and Microwave Radiation, these antennas, those WIFI Antennas throughout the world should be abhorrent to anyone knowledgeable on the subject. It is equally appalling to see these dangerous antennas for example here in Medellín. It is a shocking disgrace and absolutely shameful that there are innumerable medical facilities and hospitals with these dangerous antennas.
The Hospital where I studied medicine, clinical medicine is the San Vicente Hospital. It has a cell phone antenna just beside the ER and next to the Pathology Institute. This is totally unbelievable. It is just an index, a beautiful index of total ignorance of the medical profession in both Colombia and throughout the world that doctors simply do not know anything about this medical hazard. This is by the fact, and an issue that goes back over 100 years. Many publications have documented in great detail the death of people in proximity of 500 meters around cell phone and Wi-Fi antennas throughout the world and it continues to occur everywhere. I have a friend who lives two blocks away from my house. An antenna was erected a few years ago close to her house, ninety meters less than a block away and I told her about the dangers and explained the whole medical issue and proposed initiation of legal action. We did against the location of the antenna, but she has a sister who works for the Colombian Justice System. She is an attorney, very high ranking in the Judicial System. She goes around with bodyguards and is under the active care of the police because of her involvement in high-profile criminal cases. She told my friend not to sign anything, because she can get herself killed, so she did not do anything. I said Nuvia, do not worry, we will still keep on being friends. Nothing has happened and I am not going to take it a personal offence. It is very natural that what your sister the attorney is saying is totally true as many people have been killed.
Electric Magnetic Fields basically affect every tissue and every organ in the body - the brain, the eyes, the thyroid, the heart, the liver, the pancreas, the intestines, the kidneys, the skin, the bones. Everything is affected by Electric Magnetic Fields..... So, there is a whole bunch of military and commercial issues working in consort against the people of not only the United States, but basically all of mankind to hide and obfuscate their medical malfeasance and keep it a top secret.
Now speaking of top secret, there is a very important document, which was made public, I think in 2006, under the title of Glaser List, Evidence Against Cell Phones. I had contact with a very high ranking top secret document, known as the Glaser List. Let me tell you a story, there was a Bio-Physicist working in the Naval Forces, at the Pacific Naval Forces Research Lab in San Diego, California. His name is Zorach Glaser. Now, Glaser was in charge, so he travelled throughout the Socialist Countries - Poland, the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Romania, etc. He looked at all the scientific publications, in the Hospitals, in the Universities, in the Military where he had access and he started to gather all that information, because we are talking early 1960’s when there was a race for the control of space. There was a military race, there was already a nuclear race going on. So, Radio Frequency Radiation and Micro Waves were being developed to the control and communicate with missiles, space and military technology. It was state of art technology, so the US, of course, had a sharp interest. They had a high interest in getting access to Soviet investigations on this subject. So, they started sponsoring all Glaser’s research. All he managed to gather every five years were published. This was a voluminous bibliography back in 2006. I have access to the Glaser list from the first version. I think it dates back to 1971 or 1972. I got it from a patient in the US, who was very sick and had the Glaser List. Back in those days, there were no automatic modem, we had to connect to the telephone and she was allergic to the telephone, so she said “Carlos, listen if I can, I will try my best to use the telephone” and you might remember the sound, that it used to go “chhhhhh bebebe chhhhhh bebebe” and eventually we would connect. So, I got the Glaser List, it was a beautiful document, that version 1971 contained about 2300 references - over 2300 International References. Many of were American references, but there were also German references, French references and of course Soviet Block references concerning the medical effects.
And if you take a look at the 1971 version, it speaks to an international tragedy..... Of course, there was a military interest, there was a Commercial Interest and they were not going to change that. This is exactly the same story as the tobacco industry science. All these frauds are known in medicine as “Tobacco Science.” What Tobacco Science means, is that all have an Internationally Health Institute, like the WHO, World Health Organization. There are gonna have a bunch of clowns, with lawyers, Business Administration or Engineers, saying, oh do not worry, there is no evidence that tobacco smoke causes any damages, which is basically what is happening in medicine several times. Sadly, it is not just tobacco, asbestos and thousand other chemical products and chemical substances that are directly linked to causation of diseases and death.
It is happening over and over and over and not just with tobacco, as I said before, but Electric Magnetic Fields. It is tragic, but with tobacco we did not have the evidence. The evidence was gathered slowly by the medical profession.
In the late 1980’s the first cases reached the Supreme Court by which time we had the evidence that is was not just damaging the lungs but the heart, the kidneys, larynx, the pherins, the brain, the vascular system, basically every organ are affected by tobacco smoke. And the same happens with Electric Magnetic Fields.
The main difference is that we have the evidence since the late 1940’s and early 1950’s when it was still called the Glaser List. The CIA had a program since the late 1940’s when it was still called the OSS. They had an institute called The Joint Publication Research Service, which was responsible for translating, mainly Soviet documents dealing with the medical effects of Electric Magnetic Fields. The JPRS, Joint Publication Research Service, published for the CIA and translated for the CIA many confidential and many stolen documents from the Socialist Countries, especially the Soviet Union. You can now read what we are experiencing with all the Cell Phones Antennas, Wi-Fi antennas, Routers in Schools, Routers in Universities of people getting sick due to because of something we knew have been for decades.
William Hearts, the German Physicist described how Electric Magnetic Fields work. He authored one of the first medical documents describing the effects of Electric Magnetic Fields. His work established that it is a shame, a genocide and a crime against mankind to continue with technologies creating Electric Magnetic Fields. They have known for decades that its effects are toxic, it kills people. They are thousands of thousands of thousands of people dying of cancer who are exposed to Cell Phone antennas, routers and Cell Phones Mass, as they call them in the UK.
They have been very very famous cases, in Spain and Europe generally. Europe is one of the regions with a medical crisis – a colossal medical crisis. Two or three years ago, I was contacted by Angel Martin, the son of one of the most well-known victims in Spain. Her name was Angela Hein. Angela was a patient with severe Electrical Magnetic Field disease. She had Electric Magnetic Sensitivity. Her son Angel called me two or three years ago and told me that he was desperate about her condition - that she was in very bad shape. They had changed homes about four or five times. I suggested that they should remove all her dental amalgams, all the silver fillings in her teeth because one of the cause of this is mercury in tooth fillings which acts as receptors to antenna waves. Mercury in tooth-filling amalgam is also toxic and creates havoc with the Central Nervous System. She exhibited basically the same clinical experiences I had - headaches, severe memory loss, hypertension and palpations. She was experiencing a burning sensation every time, she got close to her house, because the Electric Magnetic Fields damages the BBB, the Blood Brain Barrier crucial to the health of the Central Nervous System. The BB Barrier and the Brain Blood Barrier, are vascular structures protecting the brain from viruses, fungi development, chemical products and harmful proteins.
Big proteins prevent these elements from getting access to the Central Nervous System which is one of the first causalities. The Brain Blood Barrier is destroyed by Electric Magnetic Fields, So, EMF it has a broad impact, not just from a medical stand point, but also from a human stand point. You know every time I start talking about this Electric Magnetic Fields, most doctors turn around and say ok, what else do you have? They know nothing about EMF and my personal disastrous experience with it. It is a personal tragedy - ten years ago I was going to get married to a wonderful woman who saw me in the middle of the woods, living in a tent, with no job, no friends, no money and said “Carlos, do not count on me, I do not want to see you again” and I never saw her again.
It tells a lot about human beings. We are just a bunch of worms, opportunistic worms and many people have closed their doors in my face, when I asked for help. Many of the medical doctors, specialists, did not want to learn what this is about. Many of them would not accept the medical evidence, the medical studies. So, it has been a hell of an experience.
You know I have become an international personality, like an artist or a celebrity. I get emails from people who are sick, who are dying from Electric Magnetic Fields and I have been able to help many of them. One of them was Angela in Spain. She improves wonderfully after the amalgam were removed, the dental fillings, the silver fillings they call them. I cried a lot when she died. She committed suicide. I had forgotten to tell her if she was going to get a new apartment she had to be very cautious of neighbours using cell phones or those new tablets or smart phones and all those EMF emitting wireless gadgets. If one of her neighbours did, the symptoms would probably return. In her new apartment, an upstairs neighbour bought a new tablet and her symptoms returned and in desperation she committed suicide.
The criminal intentions of Governments, both from the Governments, from the Military and Industry are absolutely repugnant and rise to the level of criminality. They have committed criminal malfeasance intentionally. They know, it is known, the evidence exists. I just got a whole bunch of documents from the CIA about the Soviet evidence relating to this, which have existed for decades even before the advent of the first cell phone, allegedly by a guy from Motorola called Monte Cooper, which is just another falsification of engineering science. A Soviet Engineer invented the first cell phone fifteen years, but of course, the US does not want that to be known. And, I do not know, what else would you like me to talk about.
Satesh: Your healing process.
Dr. Carlos: Ok, the healing process has been very hard, because Dr. Rea treatment was not very good. Dr. Rea was extremely honest telling me, look Carlos, I have a wide gamut of clinical results, I have patients that come once and are cured, there are patients who are more or less functional, that they who can work. Sometimes they go to a movie, go to a restaurant, but they keep on being electro sensitive. Sometimes they have their ups and downs and they are patients that never get healed, they never get cured, no matter what I do. It is a matter of time, there is no way of knowing, if you are going to get cured. So, I cannot tell you at this point of time, the first time I visited him. I cannot tell you if you are going to get cured. Nowadays, I am somewhat functional, I can be in a city, I can go sometimes to a restaurant. Sometimes, I can go a movie, but many times I cannot, because apart from the EHS, those Electric Magnetic Fields have another effect - they destroy the autonomous nervous system. So, ..... (24:35) ..... got better in the past five years, but every once in a while, I start experiencing all the symptoms of dysautonomia, tachycardia, nausea and sweating. I feel very bad when dysautonomia returns and I start forgetting things and I start losing my concentration and all I can do is stay in bed because many times I get disoriented with respect to place, space and time. So, it is hard, very hard.
I managed to read the Soviet literature, to have access to some of the treatments they used, particularly the Institute of Industrial Hygiene in Moscow and the Ukraine. The Horlivka (25:43) treatment performed marvellously at the time, but there were some risks with the drugs prescribed. I would say at this point in time, that there is no known treatment for EHS, for Electric Magnetic Sensitivity that works 100 % in all cases. So, it is pretty hard, it is very complex malady and each case is absolutely different. One patient has an impact on the Central Nervous System, another on their peripheral nervous system, or on the heart, or on the pancreas, or on the kidneys or on the thyroid or the endocrine system - it is very variable. The clinical picture varies according to the frequencies and electromagnetic intensity measured in tesla units and genetic damage and of course all the alterations of the normal physiology of the afflicted person.
Satesh: Tell me about when you went for treatment at Don Humberto
Dr. Carlos: First when I returned from Dr. Rea, I went to Santa Rosa located in the jungle. I stayed there for a whole year. It was very hard, it was hard to get the food there, to get the water. Few months before, the Paramilitary had been there and the Army just kicked them out, they killed some of them and I stayed at the spot where they used to live. And it was pretty hard. Dr. Rea had a patient in the 1970’s who worked for Mc Donald Douglas. She had to go to the Colorado Canyon to live in a car. At night she could sense, she could feel the electric magnetic radiation coming from the satellites hundreds of kilometers away. I had the same experience when I was in the middle of the jungle. I started feeling the Radars of the International Routers heading to North America and the Aeroplanes coming from North America heading South and I started feeling the pain from the satellites. There were a few that I could see, because you could see the light coming from them at 2 am and 3 am. So, eventually I had to decide, I was feeling bad in the jungle and I made my decision to return to the city, because I was going to die in the middle of the jungle with all the hardship.
And when I came back, you know Medellín is a city surrounded by mountains, there was an Electronics Engineer who is a friend of a lady at the bank that I used to go and she told me about him. So, I called him up and he already knew about EHS because he worked for several years taking measurements of Electromagnetic Fields for a medical doctor who is very well known here and who has been working on the subject. So, I went to his place, a beautiful place up in the mountains.
He gave me shelter for a year and I stayed another year. The place was either behind or at top of the valley and it was somewhat clean. Now I can say that he is likely my best friend.
Satesh: And you feel better?
Dr. Carlos: I did feel better.
I stayed there for 8 months and then my sister got a Faraday cage developed by an uptown New York company that does shielding for the Electronics Industry. I bought a tent that had the shielding. You can see the video of the Carlos Sosa EMF Tent on You Tube.
I lived in the tent for five years because I could not tolerate the EMF contamination in the city. After five years, I recovered and went back to work. That was around 2011. I worked for two years and I had to quit, because EMF radiation continued unabated due to the ever-increasing number of antennas. But nowadays, I could at least, live in the city, which for me is a remarkable success.
Satesh: Thank you Dr. Carlos.
Dr. Carlos: Satesh you have a wonderful heart, you are an extraordinary human being, you already knew about the subject and I want to wish you the best success with all your projects. Your book, your commercial operations, your healing intentions and man, you got to treasure being down there in the Peruvian jungle and you can make it known in Colombia and all parts of the world. Man, count on me as one of our first patients.
I had the chance to meet Dr. Havas personally. I had talked to her a few times, but I met her when Dr. Rea invited us to lunch on the first day of the congress. By chance we were seated next to each other. My plan back in 2010 was to go to Baltimore, where Dr. Zorach Glaser lives. He is now retired and no longer works with the Navy. For several years, he worked in the Research Triangle in the Carolinas. I am not certain where in the Carolinas he worked, so I was planning to go to Dr. Rea’s congress and afterwards go to Washington to find Dr. Zorach Glaser. During lunch Dr. Magda Havas, who taught biology at Trent University in Canada, told me that two or three months earlier, she personally talked to him and asked him of the whereabouts of for the archives which consisted of 48 or 49 giant boxes of documents. Dr. Glaser kept a personal archive, I know now know how many documents are in his archive. My guess is over 5,000 documents on the medical effects of Electric Magnetic Fields. We discussed the Russian literature on the subject and ended up talking about the Glaser List, which I was the first to report on. Someone had sent her a copy of my report and she said ahh listen I talked to Dr. Glaser a few months ago and I got the whole 50 or 48 boxes home. I drove down there, rented a truck and took the whole archive back in Canada. For the material, I had to agree to a compromise with Dr. Zorach Glaser, the compromise being that I would have to make it public.
I do not know what happened, but since 2010 Dr. Havas only released 10 documents to the public. I have asked her several times. I do not know why, she is not willing to make the rest of the archives known. I do not know whether her reluctance to release the documents is due to some kind of menace or threats. She does not take kindly to me anymore. I tried to convince her that the scientific knowledge belongs to mankind and not to her - the entire archive belongs to mankind, as it represents the investigation, the study, the research of scientists all around the world – scientist in Poland, the Soviet Union, the United States, France, Germany, China and Japan. Zorach Glaser unfortunately gave her the 48 boxes and the result is they are now not available to the public due to her unwillingness to share.
- Use a corded headset or speakerphone when using a cell phone. This advice is contained in the fine print of the cell phones literature, not to place against the body. For example, in an Apple iPhone, go to Settings > General > About > Legal > RF Exposure > Here you will find complicated information pertaining to the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) at which the body absorbs RF Radiation. This is why in Europe, Israel and North America cell phones come with a corded headset.
- No cell phone in pockets if possible, turn off or put in Airplane Mode. Cell phone is an active Microwave device that constantly sends and receives microwave frequency from the various cell towers, even when in idle state. A Gauss meter can be used to demonstrate / measure the microwave radiation emitting from the cell phone.
- Turn cell phone off in or put in Airplane Mode when in elevators, as the elevator car becomes a big microwave oven.
- Stop using wireless phone and change back to corded telephone, especially for those who suffer from any neurological related illness. 6.0 Wireless phone means that it operates on 6.0 GHz microwave frequency. Note, microwave ovens operate at a frequency of 2.45 GHz.
- Go back to wired internet rather than wireless, if possible.
- Turn off Wi-Fi when not in use.
- Turn off Wi-Fi when going to sleep.
- Unplug the power cord of Wireless phones in the night, it is when most of the damage is being done, as the Para-sympathetic nervous system is active and sympathetic nervous system is withdrawing.
- Turn off Cell phones before sleeping or place away from bedroom.
- Use battery operated alarm clock or place corded alarm clock away from bed head, to avoid any EMF getting to you.
- Replace all the new CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) energy-saving light bulbs with the old style Incandescent Light Bulbs or with LED (Light Emitting Diodes) light bulbs. The CFL contains toxic mercury vapour which emits high frequency Ultraviolet radiation. The mercury vapour goes into the air and onto the skin, which is devastating to good health.
- Look at Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt website if possible and access related material on the internet.
There are credible research and supporting evidence for over 80 years that microwave radiation is detrimental to all life forms and causes biological damage, contrary to what is taught and said by many, especially those who are responsible for public and occupational health. The main evidence is contained in the Glaser List.
The good news is, with technology and good medicine, many are healed by various treatments of medical doctors. In addition, many have traveled to other parts of the world to find the best medical doctors, alternative treatments and other healers are have been healed.
Now, the question is what if it is EMF Microwave radiation from wireless devices in our living environment that is the main contributing cause for illnesses and we are not aware of it? What will happen, after one is being treated healed and they return to the same environment, that is the main source/ cause of their illness? We do not have control over the microwave signals from Cell Towers, but we have control of the microwave signals inside of our homes - from the wireless phones and other wireless devices. We can try to limit the microwave exposure inside out homes, by implementing some of the suggestions that was mentioned in the recommendations.
http://www.electrosensitivesociety.com/2010/06/01/the-dr-carlos-sosa-m-d-story/ - MY LIFE IN A FARADAY CAGE by: Carlos Sosa MD
http://www.ahappyhabitat.com/docs/carlossosatent.html - Carlos Sosa MD- EHS TENT
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1fUXalLNYQ - CEM (EMF) y electrosensibilidad
http://cemyelectrosensibilidad.blogspot.ca/2015/11/dr-carlos-sosa-colombia-testimonio-y.html - Dr. Carlos Sosa, M.D.: LETTER TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES
Viernes 25 de enero de 2008 · 4214 lecturas
http://www.avaate.org/spip.php?article1115 - About Dr. Zory R. Glaser
http://www.zoryglaser.com/ - Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD
SMART METERS & EMR RADIATION: The Health Crisis Of Our Time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RP7vmFeo0k - PhD and Barrier Trower former Royal Navy microwave Weapons expert.
Microwave, WIFI, Cell Phone Danger and Avoiding It!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HydTVBPThHM - “The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation” – Dr. Devra Davis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwyDCHf5iCY - Lorna Wilson
Electromagnetic Field Radiation caused cancer in her workplace!
www.buergerwelle.de/assets/files/lorna_wilson_cancer_in_her_workplace.doc? - PREVENT CANCER NOW
Worth repeating …
By Lorna Wilson
http://www.preventcancernow.ca/worth-repeating - Chatelaine Magazine October 1998 Issue
The CEP Initiative
A fight with Ma Bell
http://www.unifor.org/sites/default/files/attachments/36992-unifor-cancerbook.pdf - Cell Phone Wave Shield, Cell Phone Radiation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMbsSlbSTrU - Are the Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation A Factor for Your Health?
www.best-emf-health.com/dangers-of-electromagnetic-radiation.html - NASA TECHNICAL TRANSLATION NASA TT F-708
Edited by I. R. Petrov
“Meditsina" Press, Leningrad, 1970
Translation of "Vliyaniye SVCh-Izlucheniya
na Organizm Cheloveka i Zhivotnykh.”
www.stralskyddsstiftelsen.se/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Influence_of_Microwave_Radiation_on_the_Organism_of_Man_and_Animals.pdf - Zory Glaser, 1972, Bibliography,
2311 References of Biological Responses
by Dr. Magda Havas, BSc, PhD
July 5, 2010.
Naval Medical Research Institute MF12.54.015-004B,
Report No. 2, revised. 106 pp.
[NOTE: this document was shorted to 25 pages to post it and does not contain all the 2311 references.]
[PDF] Glaser, Z.R. 1972. Bibliography of reported biological phenomena (‘effects’) and clinical manifestations attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation - The Effects of Microwave Radiation on Microbial Cultures
Slobodan M. Janković, Milorad Z. Milošev, Milan LJ. Novaković
Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia

EMF Radiation and Health Concerns by Satesh Narain | |
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