Argentina: Encounter with an Advanced Civilization
By Satesh Narain April 14th, 2017
Argentina has always been one of my dream places to visit and this came to a reality this year. I have heard of the Argentine economy years ago, it was one of the best in the world. Argentina has also captured my popular imagination, the majestic mountains, landscape from the movie Motorcycle Diaries, the land of Ernesto “Che” Guevara. In addition, Argentina gave us some of the most accomplished soccer players - Diego Armando Maradona and now Lionel Messi and of course of my sweet and lovely friends, Andrea Márquez (Nina Caspi), Sandra Colomé, Claudio Jofre, Paula Sanchez, Fernando and Gonzalo Flores Kemec.
Getting to Argentina was quite a journey; my flight was from Toronto, Canada to Bogotá, Bogotá to Medellín. And, on Wednesday January 25th, 2017, from Medellín to Panama and finally from Panama to Córdoba, Argentina.
The flight was a beautiful one to Córdoba. At Córdoba Airport, the Immigration were very professional, polite, humanistic (the best in the world that I have experienced) and the service very fast. Soon, I was out with my luggage and there was Sandra Colomé, Claudio Jefre and Nina Caspi waiting for me at 1:15 a.m. with big warm affectionate smiles and hugs.
The drive was a nice and quiet one, about 30 minutes to Sandra and Claudio’s beautiful home. The following day was lunch with Nina Caspi in a beautiful Argentinian restaurant; we had a delicious meal with a bottle of beautiful white wine. As always, I was enchanted with the company of Nina, we always have lots to talk about with lots of laughs. Nina is always fun to be with and her energy is always uplifting.
Home of Che Guevara Córdoba, Argentina
On Saturday 28th 2017, in the company of Sandra Colomé, Claudio Jefre and Nina Caspi, we visited the home of Che Guevara which is 35 km from where I was staying. It was a wonderful experience being there in the home of Che Guevara and in that small town. Later we had a café at the restaurant close by and then returned to Sandra Colomé and Claudio Jofre’s home as friends were coming over to see me. Plans were coordinated to perfection; friends arrived just as we returned home. Paula Sanchez, Fernando and another friend were there. On the table, there were beautiful wines from Mendoza, Argentina. Claudio Jofre immediately started the Bar-B-Que outside with the famous Argentinean beef.
Argentine Bar-B-Que
The Bar-B-Que structure was very interesting; it is like our fireplace and chimney. Every house has a chimney which, opens and the meat is placed inside and the smoke is vented up to the chimney. All night Claudio Jefre was at the Bar-B-Que with Philippe, the cat as his side as company. The Bar-B-Que was absolutely delicious along with the wine. Everyone had a marvelous time talking and laughing all night. The biggest thing of interest and intrigue at that moment was the level of conversation and mindset of the people I have encountered in Argentina and I have to conclude that they are really evolved. I found this to be a very fascinating about their culture.
The conversations with Paula Sanchez, Sandra Colomé and Nina Caspi in terms of healing were fun and intellectually stimulating, unlike anyone in the English culture, with the exception of Andre Ferrella and John Spizzirri. I have not experienced any such conversations at that level in North America. They all knew about the German, Dr. Hamer and his work as published in Nueva Medicina Germania – Foco de Hamer, Biodescodificación and the works of Enric Corbera of Spain, Enrique Bouron of Argentina and Christian Fléche of France. They all knew how negative emotions affect the body negatively and cause illness. I was just in awe with all the conversations, all the jokes and we laughed all night until the early hours of the morning. Not only we spoke on these heavy topics, but there were several other topics of interests where we all had fun. Everyone left at 4:00 a.m. and I went to sleep, as I was very tired.
The following morning, I woke up still in awe of the experience with the friends at the previous dinner. My thoughts were that these simple people in Argentina are of an advanced civilization than the people of the English culture. I asked Sandra Colomé on Biodescodificación and she expanded and educated me on the work of Dr. Hamer in Germany, Enric Corbera of Spain, Enrique Bouron of Argentina and Christian Fléche of France.
By Satesh Narain April 14th, 2017
Argentina has always been one of my dream places to visit and this came to a reality this year. I have heard of the Argentine economy years ago, it was one of the best in the world. Argentina has also captured my popular imagination, the majestic mountains, landscape from the movie Motorcycle Diaries, the land of Ernesto “Che” Guevara. In addition, Argentina gave us some of the most accomplished soccer players - Diego Armando Maradona and now Lionel Messi and of course of my sweet and lovely friends, Andrea Márquez (Nina Caspi), Sandra Colomé, Claudio Jofre, Paula Sanchez, Fernando and Gonzalo Flores Kemec.
Getting to Argentina was quite a journey; my flight was from Toronto, Canada to Bogotá, Bogotá to Medellín. And, on Wednesday January 25th, 2017, from Medellín to Panama and finally from Panama to Córdoba, Argentina.
The flight was a beautiful one to Córdoba. At Córdoba Airport, the Immigration were very professional, polite, humanistic (the best in the world that I have experienced) and the service very fast. Soon, I was out with my luggage and there was Sandra Colomé, Claudio Jefre and Nina Caspi waiting for me at 1:15 a.m. with big warm affectionate smiles and hugs.
The drive was a nice and quiet one, about 30 minutes to Sandra and Claudio’s beautiful home. The following day was lunch with Nina Caspi in a beautiful Argentinian restaurant; we had a delicious meal with a bottle of beautiful white wine. As always, I was enchanted with the company of Nina, we always have lots to talk about with lots of laughs. Nina is always fun to be with and her energy is always uplifting.
Home of Che Guevara Córdoba, Argentina
On Saturday 28th 2017, in the company of Sandra Colomé, Claudio Jefre and Nina Caspi, we visited the home of Che Guevara which is 35 km from where I was staying. It was a wonderful experience being there in the home of Che Guevara and in that small town. Later we had a café at the restaurant close by and then returned to Sandra Colomé and Claudio Jofre’s home as friends were coming over to see me. Plans were coordinated to perfection; friends arrived just as we returned home. Paula Sanchez, Fernando and another friend were there. On the table, there were beautiful wines from Mendoza, Argentina. Claudio Jofre immediately started the Bar-B-Que outside with the famous Argentinean beef.
Argentine Bar-B-Que
The Bar-B-Que structure was very interesting; it is like our fireplace and chimney. Every house has a chimney which, opens and the meat is placed inside and the smoke is vented up to the chimney. All night Claudio Jefre was at the Bar-B-Que with Philippe, the cat as his side as company. The Bar-B-Que was absolutely delicious along with the wine. Everyone had a marvelous time talking and laughing all night. The biggest thing of interest and intrigue at that moment was the level of conversation and mindset of the people I have encountered in Argentina and I have to conclude that they are really evolved. I found this to be a very fascinating about their culture.
The conversations with Paula Sanchez, Sandra Colomé and Nina Caspi in terms of healing were fun and intellectually stimulating, unlike anyone in the English culture, with the exception of Andre Ferrella and John Spizzirri. I have not experienced any such conversations at that level in North America. They all knew about the German, Dr. Hamer and his work as published in Nueva Medicina Germania – Foco de Hamer, Biodescodificación and the works of Enric Corbera of Spain, Enrique Bouron of Argentina and Christian Fléche of France. They all knew how negative emotions affect the body negatively and cause illness. I was just in awe with all the conversations, all the jokes and we laughed all night until the early hours of the morning. Not only we spoke on these heavy topics, but there were several other topics of interests where we all had fun. Everyone left at 4:00 a.m. and I went to sleep, as I was very tired.
The following morning, I woke up still in awe of the experience with the friends at the previous dinner. My thoughts were that these simple people in Argentina are of an advanced civilization than the people of the English culture. I asked Sandra Colomé on Biodescodificación and she expanded and educated me on the work of Dr. Hamer in Germany, Enric Corbera of Spain, Enrique Bouron of Argentina and Christian Fléche of France.
New Friendship
Not only I met my beautiful simple and magnificent friends, but I also met Misha and Phillipe and I gained a new friendship with Phillipe, the cat – Claudio’s best friend. Phillipe was amazing and I was also in awe of his intelligence. Phillipe was like Claudio’s guard dog, he follows him all the time, he jumps up to his shoulder and put his head next to Claudio’s head. Likewise, Misha kept close and followed Sandra Colomé everywhere. Phillipe loves to be outside in the back-yard gazing at the sky, day and night, however, he knows that he is not allowed to be in the sun, because of his colour - he is a white cat and the sun is not good for him. Phillipe will sit in the shaded area and not go in the sun, when Claudio’s tells him “Amigo Phillipe do not go in the sun”, or if he is in the sun he will move more into the shade on Claudio’s order. After lunch time, when Claudio tells him, “Amigo Phillipe lets go take a nap”, immediately Phillipe comes inside and goes upstairs to the bedroom. My thoughts were ‘Wow’! Phillipe understand Spanish, it was simply amazing.
Argentina: Some of The Best Doctors in The WorldMy thoughts are not only on writing my book but also include learning more about natural medicines and the best doctors in the world. I heard that Argentina have some of the best medical doctors in the world and two of them are Dr. María Gabriela de los Santos and Dr. Simondi Andrea.
Dr. Simondi Andrea Médica M.P Córdoba, Argentina
I heard that Dr. Simondi Andrea Médica M.P. not only treats the symptoms of illness and diseases, but she also conducts analysis and diagnostics of the causes of the illness and treats those causes where patients are being healed of their illness, unlike treatments here in Canada. I was very intrigued and interested in meeting this doctor so I called the doctor, spoke to her telling her that I am from Toronto, Canada and that I am only here for a few days and would like to meet her. The doctor was nice on the phone and she made the time for an appointment out of her fully booked schedule. On Tuesday, January 31st, Sandra Colomé drove me over to the doctor’s office. As I entered the office, Dr. Simondi Andrea greeted me with a warm hug and kiss. We met for over an hour. I was thrilled at the caliber of this doctor, very nice, humble; simple who is dedicated to healing of her patients with treatment regimes unlike any treatment methods in Canada.
Dr. María Gabriela de los Santos Médica Cirujana M.P Córdoba, Argentina
Dr. María Gabriela de los Santos, Medical Surgeon physician – Medica Cirujana, not only treats the symptoms of illness and diseases but also treat the causes of the illness unlike any such treatment here in Canada. I was very intrigued and interested in meeting this doctor and I asked Sandra to see if it is possible to meet her given my short schedule of a few days in Argentina. Sandra managed to get me an appointment the day before I was leaving for Mendoza, Argentina.
Wednesday February 1st, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. was my appointment. I was there at 8:00 p.m. and was greeted by Dr. María Gabriela de los Santos greeted with a warm hug and kiss. We started to talk immediately. The visit ended at 10:15 p.m. (2 hours and 15 minutes). Before Dr. María Gabriela de los Santos treats a patient and prescribes medication, she tries to analyze the person’s psychology from early childhood to present. She reminds me of Don Agustin’s (Viejo) method in Perú. I thanked her for her time and I told her that it is a pleasure meeting her. We said goodbye with a hug and kiss. What a difference and a different world it is in South America, Argentina with this doctor. She is a Physiotherapist, a Medical Surgeon physician and a Homeopathic Doctor. Her treatment methodology is completely different from Canadian practices and I am not aware of any such methodology in Canada or such healing results. Tremendous gratitude, respect and blessings go to this doctor. May the Lord continue blessing her as a decent human being, providing her service to humanity! Also, tremendous gratitude goes to Sandra Colomé and her husband Claudio Jofre who waited for me 2 hours 15 minutes in the car.
Agustina Flores Kemec Mendoza, Argentina
February 2nd was my flight with Aero Argentina from Córdoba to Mendoza. It was a beautiful hour and 5 minutes’ flight with excellent service. From the airport in Mendoza to Barrio Cerro Alto – chacras de Coria was a beautiful 35 minutes by taxi. I was really amazed with Mendoza it is the best place in the world to live. I stayed in Cerro Alto, in a beautiful home situated on top of a hill, in a gated community. The view from there was spectacular; the Andes Mountains can be seen at the back of the home. As I arrived and was talking to my friends, Agustina arrived, my friend Gonzalo’s sister, and the conversation was on yoga, mudras, subtle energy body, pranayamas, meditation, Swami Rama, etc. Agustina is an amazing person and I was very humble and grateful to be in her company. She is 19-year-old and a second-year Architecture student at the Universidad (University) de Facultad de Arquitectura Urbanismo y Diseño – Universidad de Mendoza. She is interested in sustainable architecture, a yoga student and was my tour guide while I was in Mendoza. I have never met any one like Agustina in Canada nor the English world. She is an amazing 19-year-old young lady of such maturity, wisdom and inner beauty, who converses intelligently on profound topics of deep truths. One day we went walking into the beautiful town which reminded me of Hollywood and was just 20 minutes from her home on top of the hill. I was admiring the landscape, the beautiful people, the beautiful South American architecture and the colours of the buildings, unlike the buildings here in Canada where some the people go out of their way for ugliness.
Argentina: Love
What was also so beautiful to see in Argentina, and very different from North America, was how much love the people have in their hearts. Every time Gonzalo’s parents see their kids (adults) at home, they hug and kiss them. This parental behavior is in contrast with parental conduct in North America – in the English world. Love as expressed in South America and overall human compassion are attributes rarely found in the Western World.
Marcela Cecilia Manteleone Mendoza, Argentina
I have also heard of the young lady, Marcela Cecilia Manteleone, who attended an Ayahuasca ceremony with Don Viejo Agustin Rivas and recovered from a serious illness. I was very interested in her testimony for my book, so I asked Señor Jorge to make a call to ask if she would give me her testimony and the answer was in the affirmative. We left shortly after to see her. She was a beautiful young lady. I introduced myself and started the interview. She gave me her testimony. On March 31st 2016, she had major surgery to remove a tumor weighing 4 kilos from her stomach and the mouth of the pancreas and touching the liver. She was so simple and humble, she asked if I would like to see her stomach with the scars and I told her okay. She showed it to me.
As usual, I am also humbled by people from other parts of the world with their simplicity, inner beauty, the way they speak, the words they use and the love that they have for themselves, their family and friends. She told me that before surgery, her meditation was focused on thoughts of how “Mi cuerpo esta diseñado para la vida …. Mis células están diseñadas para la vida” (My body is designed for life … My cells are designed for life). After delicate and long surgery and a long recovery, she survived her life-threatening condition. She knew the cause of her illness was due to the manifestation of thoughts on fear, because she had lost a sister to terminal illness. She told me after her 10 hours’ surgery and during a month in recovery how the doctors in Argentina held therapy sessions with her and her entire family on preventing the underlying cause of illnesses – the causes being fear and negative emotions. I was deeply, deeply humbled by her and the way of life of others in other parts of the world.
After my interview with Marcela, I performed a class on yoga, showing her some simple asnas to release serotonin to calm the mind along with some prayanamas.
Bus to Buenos Aires
On Monday, February 6th, at 9:25 a.m. was my flight from Mendoza to Córdoba. Again, it was a beautiful flight and Sandra was there at the airport to meet me. That same night, I left Córdoba at 8:15 pm, on a nine-hour ride by bus, Expreso Encon S.R.L, to Barrio de Belgrano, Buenos Aires. Shortly after the bus left, a glass of champagne was served. After that, a tray with six items was served with the attendant asking us whether we wanted ‘vino’, to which I said yes please and a small bottle of white wine was served. Thinking that it is for dinner, the attendant asked, “chicken or pasta?” was asked to which I again said yes please to the chicken and a meal portion of chicken and rice was served. I never had such a dinner on any airplane or any bus before on any of my many international travels. After dinner, whisky was served and again I said yes please, and a glass of whisky was served. Shortly after I went to sleep and woke up in the early morning as breakfast with café was served. Shortly after, the bus pulled into the station in Buenos Aires.
Buenos Aires is a large and beautiful city. I was there only for a short time and I had a packed schedule. During my stay in Belgrano, I met a few of Gonzalo’s friends and again, I was intrigued with the level of intelligence of the people. Gonzalo’s friend was familiar with Osho and many other Eastern masters and Eastern philosophy. In just a few minutes of talk, the conversations became deep and profound with the few people I met.
Colombian Consulate
While I was in Buenos Aires, I decided to visit the Colombian Consulate and spoke to the Chancellor on an issue for over half hour. Again, I was very grateful and impressed with her and the attention received in Argentina.
After traveling to over 30 foreign destinations, I have come to the firm conviction that I have encountered an Advance Civilization of people in Argentina. A race with love and passion in their hearts not only for soccer, but also for their kids, family, friends and neighbours unlike in our English culture where love is not expressed as in South America. Real healing is taking place in Argentina of many illnesses that are termed incurable in North America - Canada. In addition, they have some of the best medical doctors in the world who are very simple, humble, working just a little bit more than the average person, living simple lives and I have met two of them, along with the best Curandera, including Nina Caspi. From my reference point, Argentina is a place where the people understand the meaning of life and whose lives have true meaning. What a contrast to the North, where many people indentify/seek meaning in the possession of things and money. Argentina is one of the best places in the world. I have met some of the people who do not necessarily have the best luxurious things as in the North. However, they make do whatever they have. I look forward to visiting again the beautiful land of Che Guevara. With lots of gratitude and love, thank you Argentina, please continue with the doctors in finding cures for illness that are termed incurable in the West and keep supporting the doctors who work with Homeopathic medicine.
Not only I met my beautiful simple and magnificent friends, but I also met Misha and Phillipe and I gained a new friendship with Phillipe, the cat – Claudio’s best friend. Phillipe was amazing and I was also in awe of his intelligence. Phillipe was like Claudio’s guard dog, he follows him all the time, he jumps up to his shoulder and put his head next to Claudio’s head. Likewise, Misha kept close and followed Sandra Colomé everywhere. Phillipe loves to be outside in the back-yard gazing at the sky, day and night, however, he knows that he is not allowed to be in the sun, because of his colour - he is a white cat and the sun is not good for him. Phillipe will sit in the shaded area and not go in the sun, when Claudio’s tells him “Amigo Phillipe do not go in the sun”, or if he is in the sun he will move more into the shade on Claudio’s order. After lunch time, when Claudio tells him, “Amigo Phillipe lets go take a nap”, immediately Phillipe comes inside and goes upstairs to the bedroom. My thoughts were ‘Wow’! Phillipe understand Spanish, it was simply amazing.
Argentina: Some of The Best Doctors in The WorldMy thoughts are not only on writing my book but also include learning more about natural medicines and the best doctors in the world. I heard that Argentina have some of the best medical doctors in the world and two of them are Dr. María Gabriela de los Santos and Dr. Simondi Andrea.
Dr. Simondi Andrea Médica M.P Córdoba, Argentina
I heard that Dr. Simondi Andrea Médica M.P. not only treats the symptoms of illness and diseases, but she also conducts analysis and diagnostics of the causes of the illness and treats those causes where patients are being healed of their illness, unlike treatments here in Canada. I was very intrigued and interested in meeting this doctor so I called the doctor, spoke to her telling her that I am from Toronto, Canada and that I am only here for a few days and would like to meet her. The doctor was nice on the phone and she made the time for an appointment out of her fully booked schedule. On Tuesday, January 31st, Sandra Colomé drove me over to the doctor’s office. As I entered the office, Dr. Simondi Andrea greeted me with a warm hug and kiss. We met for over an hour. I was thrilled at the caliber of this doctor, very nice, humble; simple who is dedicated to healing of her patients with treatment regimes unlike any treatment methods in Canada.
Dr. María Gabriela de los Santos Médica Cirujana M.P Córdoba, Argentina
Dr. María Gabriela de los Santos, Medical Surgeon physician – Medica Cirujana, not only treats the symptoms of illness and diseases but also treat the causes of the illness unlike any such treatment here in Canada. I was very intrigued and interested in meeting this doctor and I asked Sandra to see if it is possible to meet her given my short schedule of a few days in Argentina. Sandra managed to get me an appointment the day before I was leaving for Mendoza, Argentina.
Wednesday February 1st, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. was my appointment. I was there at 8:00 p.m. and was greeted by Dr. María Gabriela de los Santos greeted with a warm hug and kiss. We started to talk immediately. The visit ended at 10:15 p.m. (2 hours and 15 minutes). Before Dr. María Gabriela de los Santos treats a patient and prescribes medication, she tries to analyze the person’s psychology from early childhood to present. She reminds me of Don Agustin’s (Viejo) method in Perú. I thanked her for her time and I told her that it is a pleasure meeting her. We said goodbye with a hug and kiss. What a difference and a different world it is in South America, Argentina with this doctor. She is a Physiotherapist, a Medical Surgeon physician and a Homeopathic Doctor. Her treatment methodology is completely different from Canadian practices and I am not aware of any such methodology in Canada or such healing results. Tremendous gratitude, respect and blessings go to this doctor. May the Lord continue blessing her as a decent human being, providing her service to humanity! Also, tremendous gratitude goes to Sandra Colomé and her husband Claudio Jofre who waited for me 2 hours 15 minutes in the car.
Agustina Flores Kemec Mendoza, Argentina
February 2nd was my flight with Aero Argentina from Córdoba to Mendoza. It was a beautiful hour and 5 minutes’ flight with excellent service. From the airport in Mendoza to Barrio Cerro Alto – chacras de Coria was a beautiful 35 minutes by taxi. I was really amazed with Mendoza it is the best place in the world to live. I stayed in Cerro Alto, in a beautiful home situated on top of a hill, in a gated community. The view from there was spectacular; the Andes Mountains can be seen at the back of the home. As I arrived and was talking to my friends, Agustina arrived, my friend Gonzalo’s sister, and the conversation was on yoga, mudras, subtle energy body, pranayamas, meditation, Swami Rama, etc. Agustina is an amazing person and I was very humble and grateful to be in her company. She is 19-year-old and a second-year Architecture student at the Universidad (University) de Facultad de Arquitectura Urbanismo y Diseño – Universidad de Mendoza. She is interested in sustainable architecture, a yoga student and was my tour guide while I was in Mendoza. I have never met any one like Agustina in Canada nor the English world. She is an amazing 19-year-old young lady of such maturity, wisdom and inner beauty, who converses intelligently on profound topics of deep truths. One day we went walking into the beautiful town which reminded me of Hollywood and was just 20 minutes from her home on top of the hill. I was admiring the landscape, the beautiful people, the beautiful South American architecture and the colours of the buildings, unlike the buildings here in Canada where some the people go out of their way for ugliness.
Argentina: Love
What was also so beautiful to see in Argentina, and very different from North America, was how much love the people have in their hearts. Every time Gonzalo’s parents see their kids (adults) at home, they hug and kiss them. This parental behavior is in contrast with parental conduct in North America – in the English world. Love as expressed in South America and overall human compassion are attributes rarely found in the Western World.
Marcela Cecilia Manteleone Mendoza, Argentina
I have also heard of the young lady, Marcela Cecilia Manteleone, who attended an Ayahuasca ceremony with Don Viejo Agustin Rivas and recovered from a serious illness. I was very interested in her testimony for my book, so I asked Señor Jorge to make a call to ask if she would give me her testimony and the answer was in the affirmative. We left shortly after to see her. She was a beautiful young lady. I introduced myself and started the interview. She gave me her testimony. On March 31st 2016, she had major surgery to remove a tumor weighing 4 kilos from her stomach and the mouth of the pancreas and touching the liver. She was so simple and humble, she asked if I would like to see her stomach with the scars and I told her okay. She showed it to me.
As usual, I am also humbled by people from other parts of the world with their simplicity, inner beauty, the way they speak, the words they use and the love that they have for themselves, their family and friends. She told me that before surgery, her meditation was focused on thoughts of how “Mi cuerpo esta diseñado para la vida …. Mis células están diseñadas para la vida” (My body is designed for life … My cells are designed for life). After delicate and long surgery and a long recovery, she survived her life-threatening condition. She knew the cause of her illness was due to the manifestation of thoughts on fear, because she had lost a sister to terminal illness. She told me after her 10 hours’ surgery and during a month in recovery how the doctors in Argentina held therapy sessions with her and her entire family on preventing the underlying cause of illnesses – the causes being fear and negative emotions. I was deeply, deeply humbled by her and the way of life of others in other parts of the world.
After my interview with Marcela, I performed a class on yoga, showing her some simple asnas to release serotonin to calm the mind along with some prayanamas.
Bus to Buenos Aires
On Monday, February 6th, at 9:25 a.m. was my flight from Mendoza to Córdoba. Again, it was a beautiful flight and Sandra was there at the airport to meet me. That same night, I left Córdoba at 8:15 pm, on a nine-hour ride by bus, Expreso Encon S.R.L, to Barrio de Belgrano, Buenos Aires. Shortly after the bus left, a glass of champagne was served. After that, a tray with six items was served with the attendant asking us whether we wanted ‘vino’, to which I said yes please and a small bottle of white wine was served. Thinking that it is for dinner, the attendant asked, “chicken or pasta?” was asked to which I again said yes please to the chicken and a meal portion of chicken and rice was served. I never had such a dinner on any airplane or any bus before on any of my many international travels. After dinner, whisky was served and again I said yes please, and a glass of whisky was served. Shortly after I went to sleep and woke up in the early morning as breakfast with café was served. Shortly after, the bus pulled into the station in Buenos Aires.
Buenos Aires is a large and beautiful city. I was there only for a short time and I had a packed schedule. During my stay in Belgrano, I met a few of Gonzalo’s friends and again, I was intrigued with the level of intelligence of the people. Gonzalo’s friend was familiar with Osho and many other Eastern masters and Eastern philosophy. In just a few minutes of talk, the conversations became deep and profound with the few people I met.
Colombian Consulate
While I was in Buenos Aires, I decided to visit the Colombian Consulate and spoke to the Chancellor on an issue for over half hour. Again, I was very grateful and impressed with her and the attention received in Argentina.
After traveling to over 30 foreign destinations, I have come to the firm conviction that I have encountered an Advance Civilization of people in Argentina. A race with love and passion in their hearts not only for soccer, but also for their kids, family, friends and neighbours unlike in our English culture where love is not expressed as in South America. Real healing is taking place in Argentina of many illnesses that are termed incurable in North America - Canada. In addition, they have some of the best medical doctors in the world who are very simple, humble, working just a little bit more than the average person, living simple lives and I have met two of them, along with the best Curandera, including Nina Caspi. From my reference point, Argentina is a place where the people understand the meaning of life and whose lives have true meaning. What a contrast to the North, where many people indentify/seek meaning in the possession of things and money. Argentina is one of the best places in the world. I have met some of the people who do not necessarily have the best luxurious things as in the North. However, they make do whatever they have. I look forward to visiting again the beautiful land of Che Guevara. With lots of gratitude and love, thank you Argentina, please continue with the doctors in finding cures for illness that are termed incurable in the West and keep supporting the doctors who work with Homeopathic medicine.