Coronavirus COVID-19 Solutions Part 2
By Satesh Narain April 16, 2020
Edited by Joe Singh B.A., M.A
Edited by Joe Singh B.A., M.A
There is successful treatment for Coronavirus COVID-19. Physicians around the world (China, Korea, France, etc.) have treated Coronavirus COVID-19 successfully with affordable medicines.
This is what is known and what works with Coronavirus as of today:
Coronavirus is a RNA virus, not a DNA or a retrovirus.
The famous precursors to this illness are SARS and MERS.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt Alternative Approaches to treatment of a possible infected or diagnosed COVID-19 patient:
• Vitamin A in high doses. Consider: 100,000 IU 4 times per day for 2-3 days, followed by 100,000 IU once per day until recovery “(Zhang, Lei, and Yunhui Liu. “Potential interventions for novel coronavirus in China: Asystematic review. “Journal of medical virology (2020).”
• Vitamin C: Take a minimum dose of 2,000 mg per day.
• Vitamin D
• Alinia: Take 1,000 mg Nitazoxide twice a day for 10 days. If the person has the virus and starts to display the lung symptoms start with Alina or Chlorquine.
• Hydroxy-Chloroquin (i.e. Plaquenil): This treatment is prescribed before incidence of the cytokine storm. It transports zinc into the cell. Chlorquine phosphate is also an effective medication.
Day 1: Take 400 mg twice a day (2 tablets twice a day).
Day 2-6: Take 200 mg twice a day.
• Zinc (Core-S at Ki Science): Take 2 capsules with each dose of chloroquin.
• Azithromycin: Day 1: Take 500 mg once per day.
Day 2-5 or 6: Take 250 mg per day.
Hydroxy-Chloroquin, Azithromycin and zinc are taken together.
• Heparin: 5000 i.u. taken twice per day. This is taken earlier to prevent the lung complications.
• Cistus tea: Cistus tea (BioPureUS) and propolis both prevent attachment of the virus to any cell or membrane. Drink 6-8 cups per day. Cistus tea can be sprayed in the mouth, nose, eyes and skin.
• HOCL Spray (Hypochlorous acid): Spray in the mouth, nose, eyes, hands, cell phone, desktop, computer keyboard and all surfaces.
• Propolis raises the immune response against the virus and prevents the attachment of the virus to neighbouring cells.
Clinical experience of some major countries:
China: Studies show 100% cure rate of infected people. The Chinese report complete cure after 6 days with 500 mg Chlorquine per day.
Korea: Covid -19 patients were administered a dosage of 400 mg of Chlorquine, once a day for 6 days and resulting in 100% cure rate.
France: A recent clinical study in France, conducted by Didier Raoult M.D/Ph.D, et al, showed 100% of patients were virologically cured within 6 days of treatment, after a combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin.
• Artesunate: Is an injectable form of artensium anua.
Dosage of Artesunate for severe cases: 250 mg/day i.v. injection for 10 consecutive days. Artemisa annua (Ki Science: Sweet Annie and Artemisia Forte powder) may be effective in milder cases.
• Andrographis (Astrialsmile from KiScience): For prevention 1 dropperful 4-6 times/day. For treatment: 1 dropperful hourly.
Andrographis +: For prevention 1 dropperful 4 times/day. For treatment: 1 dropperful hourly. In acute stage of the illness, take 2 dropperful 4 times a day.
• Melatonin is the most potent inhibitor of the inflammasone that leads to the cytokine storm – which results in death of affected people.
Doris Loh, an independent researcher, recommends a dosage of 50 mg at night, 2 to 3 hours after the last meal and 1 to 2 hours before going to bed. Dr. Klinghardt may prescribe up to 200 mg as a suppository or skin lotion.
. DAYTIME Dosage take 40% of the night dosage followed by small divided portions every two hours.
. NIGHTTIME Dosage take 60% of the night dosage, divided into two portions and take 2-3 hours after dinner.
Melatonin is not only produced in the pineal glands, but in all cells, including mitochondria.
According to Dr. Klinghardt, if you are diabetic, or have insulin resistance, DO NOT TAKE MELATONIN before 3 pm, because Melatonin suppresses insulin.
• Stop Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (High Blood Pressure medication) – and Selenium during this time.
• Wi-Fi Hygiene: Wi-Fi hygiene is of paramount importance in the prevention and treatment of this illness. Turn off the Wi-Fi whenever possible and especially at nights. This is of extreme importance. Do this for the next 2 – 3 months, until this virus is under control.
Wi-Fi radiation opens the pores permitting an influx of calcium which triggers the fatal cytokine storm.
5G Safety Studies: No safety studies on the biological effects and harm to life forms have been done before the roll out of 5G. In 2011, the Agency for Research for Cancer (IARC) declared RF electromagnetic fields (EMFs) as potentially carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). Group 2B classification is a list of possible carcinogens that also includes lead and DDT.
For protection against harmful Wi-Fi radiation:
Keep cordless and cell phone away from your ear the furthest that you can. Switch to speaker option on your phone and use corded ear piece;
Wear protective clothing. Ki Science has excellent protective clothing.
• PEMF (Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency) Treatment
• Food: Use all essential vitamins and nutrients available in your country. Do not force yourself to eat if you are not hungry during illness, Calorie restriction facilitates healing.
• Humming while exhaling / Yoga / Meditation / Deep Breathing
• Do not use NSAIDS – ibuprofen, it may cause complications.
• Ozone Therapy
Based on Dr. Klinghardt prior clinical experience with SARS and MERSA, in addition to the Treatment and Prevention of COVID-19 (as reported in Medcape) his recommendations include a mixture of the following seven Herbal Tinctures:
• Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata)
• Artemisa annua (sweet annie / sweet wormwood)
• Calendula
• Dandelion
• Licorice
• Rosemary
• Scutalaria (Skullcap)
Prevention: 1 dropperful each, in a glass of water, 4-6 times/day.
Treatment: 1 dropperful each hourly.
Andrographis is good for lung complication and it is the perfect inhibitor for the virus. If you can only afford to buy one, then get this one. Andrographis is natural plant medicine. The plant is native to India and Sri Lanka, the leaf and stem are used to make medicine.
In addition, to the above mixture, Dr. Klinghardt also recommended:
• Propolis: Propolis is a potent anti-viral and it can also be used in a Propolis vaporizer (Propolis Diffuser at Ki Science ) in homes. It is also very effective in neutralizing circulating mycotoxins in the ambient air.
An Italian study showed that vaporize propolis heated at 82.3 degree Celsius (Propolis Diffuser), creates a monoatomic vapour that kills every single living microbe in the air.
• HOCL Spray (Hypochlorous acid)
Spray Propolis, alternating it with HOCL (Ki Science) at the first signs of symptoms on to the sore throat. HOCL can also be sprayed in the eyes and nose hourly or even more frequently.
• Vitamin D3: 6,000 - 10,000 IU (My recommendation: Buy Youngevity D3)
• Sunshine: Get natural sunshine (COVID-19: Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System by Dr. Magda Havas PhD)
• Omega3: sealDNA with DPA (Canada) available here and Youngevity Brands available here.
Vitamin D and Omega3 at normal doses can modulate the T-lymphocyte subclasses and reduce inflammation (Dr. Edoardo Rossi and Dr. Maria Teresa Corsetti – Italy).
Youngevity Ultimate D3 capsules have 5,000 IU per capsule. If you decide to buy Youngevity Omega3 (Ultimate EFA Plus) and D3 from Casas de Healing, please verify on the top Right Hand Side of web page, it says shopping with Casas de Healing, otherwise it goes to a random distributor.
The Cytokine storm treatment that has worked
1. Melatonin: Dr. Klinghardt may prescribe 400 mg as suppository at bedtime and 250 mg as transdermal cream during the day.
2. Vitamin C IV: 25-50 grams over several hours.
• Be aware of the cautions associated with NSAIDS – ibuprofen - it may cause complications.
1. “Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug without Antibiotics for Acute Viral Infection Increases the Empyema Risk in Children: A Matched Case-Control Study”. The Journal of Pediatrics.
2. Anti-inflammatories may aggravate Covid-19. The French minister says patients should take paracetamol rather than ibuprofen or cortisone. The Guardian
3. WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE IN ITALY DYING OF THE CORONAVIRUS? It appears that we are going to be fighting this virus for a long time to come Michael Snyder | End of The American Dream - MARCH 20, 2020
.Chlorquine phosphate (old malaria drug) is 100 % effective in vitro studies.
Reference: Wang et al reported that chloroquine effectively inhibits SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. (Wang M, Cao R, Zhang L, Yang X, Xu M, et al. Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro. Cell Res. 2020 Feb 4)
Reference: Chloroquine May Fight Covid-19-and Silicon Valley’s Into It.
Humming and Nitric Oxide
The other “Melatonin” is nitric oxide.
Vitamin C in high doses increases Nitric oxide.
Humming while exhaling, it instantly increases nitric oxide concentration in the nasal passage and sinus, the same tissues where Covid-19 lingered for days before it affects other tissues.
“Humming Greatly Increases Nasal Nitric Oxide.” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 166, Issue 2
When you quietly inhale you have a small amount of nitric oxide in your nose, if you hum while exhaling, it increase the nitric oxide more than 15 times. At that dosage nitric oxide is strongly anti viral, antibacterial, antifungal. Dr. Klinghardt published a paper 15 years ago in a German Journal, as a treatment for chronic sinusitis? There were over 200 emails in the following months of people that had 20 – 30 years of chronic sinusitis which was cured by simply humming on their way to work, in the car or during their quiet moments.
Deborah Freudenmann of TRULY HEAL, has also written an article on the benefits of Yoga – Meditation – Deep breathing and humming in an article on Vagus Nerve: 7 easy ways to access its powers.
The article can be accessed here.
“Singing, humming and chanting"
Khoff, B. V., Malmgren, H., Åström, R., Nyberg, G., Ekström, S. R., Engwall, M., … Jörnsten, R. (2013). Music structure determines heart rate variability of singers. Frontiers in Psychology, 4(JUL), 1–16.
Deep breathing exercises
Singh, U. P. (2017). Evidence-Based Role of Hypercapnia and Exhalation Phase in Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Insights into Hypercapnic Yoga Breathing Exercises. Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy, 07(03).
Bonaz, B., Sinniger, V., & Pellissier, S. (2016). Vagal tone: Effects on sensitivity, motility, and inflammation. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 28(4), 455–462.”
Stop Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors – and Selenium
ACE inhibitors are used to treat High Blood Pressure
Selenium is a natural ACE inhibitor, so do not use it for now.
Covid-19 needs the ACE peptides, the proteins in the cell wall of the aveoli to dock on the aveoli to infect the lung. If you are taking ACE Inhibitors it is going to facilitate the entry of virus into the lung tissue, making it more likely for the patient to get lung complications.
The 2 main orthomolecular treatment options for SARS-Co2 by Independent Researcher, Doris Loh:
• Melatonin: Take at night 2 to 3 hours after your last meal and 1 to 2 hours before going to sleep. Dosage recommended by Doris Loh is 50 mg at night.
• Vitamin C: 1 gram per hour, to a total of 10-18 grams per day.
• Ascorbic Acid Infection Dosage: 1 gram every 15 to 30 minutes. If symptoms are not reversed within 12-24 hours, increase dosage to 2 grams every 15 to 30 minutes.
• Intravenous Vitamin C if available: 7.5 grams – 50 grams for 3 consecutive days.
Treatment of a possible infected or diagnosed patient:
1. Vitamin C:
In a press release from a Chinese Hospital specializing in infectious disease it was reported that Intravenous Vitamin C was extremely effective in treating affected and infected patients. The dose of 100-200 mg/kg body weight was given for 3 days in a row (this equates to 7.5 – 15 grams for a 75 kg (180 lbs.) to infected persons. Another translation of the document said that the Chinese gave 10 – 20 grams for the IV. The Chinese had a high remission rate of the coronavirus with this treatment.
Covid-19 can survive 72 hours (some estimate up to 7 days) on a surface of objects.
HOCL Spray (Hypochlorous acid)
Once the virus is on the body, it lives on the surface of the tissues. The first tissue that it clings to is the throat, the mucus membrane of the nose and the eyes. This is for many days after the onset of symptoms, before it goes deeper. Once it is there, you have 5 days to treat the virus in areas that you can reach, with a simple spray, HOCL, before it goes deeper.
Propolis spray is the other spray that is working. Propolis prevents the attachment tremendously and enhances the immunities against other coronaviruses. Based on clinical experience form his patients that were diagnosed with the virus, Dr. Klinghardt found that alternating HOCL and Propolis spray, inside the mouth, prevented the virus from moving forward. Within a few days with this treatment people become asymptomatic. HOCL Spray from Ki Science and BrioTech can be also be sprayed in the eyes.
After 5 days, the illness may penetrate deeper, that is when there is the dry cough and other severe forms of the illness in the lung. Again 72 % of the virus is still in the sputum in the throat, lingering there during the illness. The throat works as a growth medium for the virus. – Spray with any antiviral spray in the mouth. Propolis, Copaiba Oil or Joy of the Mountains Oil of Oregano can be used as a spray.
The first HOCL Study was done on MERS, the virus was sprayed on work surfaces - on computer monitors, desks and desk top spaces next to them. Then they used the typical alcohol base disinfectant to clean up the surfaces. The PCR Test that followed showed positive for surviving viruses. Then did the same with HOCL and it was completely 100% negative – indication 100% effectiveness.
In the spring of 2016, University of Washington, school of Public Health conducted a test on BrioHOCL. Upon 10 minutes exposure of BrioHOCL on Coronavirus OC43 (CoV), findings indicated at least 99.999% effective.
HOCL spray can also be sprayed on formites; clothes and any thing that you can touch.
The role of formites and environmental contamination in transmission of infection is still unclear (Formites are objects or materials which are likely to carry infection, such as clothes, utensils, door knobs, keyboards, computer mouse, elevator buttons, bus seats, furniture and basically anything that you can touch, except copper). Formites and environmental contamination may have contributed to the transmission of the SARS virus.
The Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Viability of the SARS Coronavirus
Ventilated Windows and Doors may reduce the virus survival and transmission. In Singapore and Hong Kong where air-conditioning are used intensively, the outbreak of SARS largely occurred in air-conditioned environments as hospitals and hotels. Interestingly, in Guangzhou, China, clinicians kept the windows of patients rooms opened and well ventilated which may have reduced the virus survival and transmission.
Reference: Hindawi: Advances in Virology
Research Article / Open Access
Volume 2011 |Article ID 734690 | 7 pages |
Furins: Andrographis and Vitamin C against SARS-Co2
Furins are proteins in the cell wall of every cell and floating around in the matrix of the intra spaces, there are proteins that have various functions. All the proteins that float around in our system are in a dormant state. If there are all active, we would die as they used up all the oxygen and water.
Furins cleave away certain amino acids and then transforms the protein into an active form to a specific function.
The coronravirus Covid-19 has figured out this mechanism to get pass the furins and cause a cytokine storm, which leads to the build up of fluid in the lungs. Covid-19 is in a pre-active form, so when it floats around the tissues, it leaves the mucus membrane and starts entering the blood stream, lymphatic system, then it starts to settle in deeper tissue. It has to dock on the cell wall of a tissue and asks the furin that is sitting there, to remove a particular amino acid or a group of amino acids from its protein in order to activate it. Only when this happens the virus can become aggressive.
There is a herb with a powerful anti-furin strategy and that herb is Andrographis paniculata. This is of high importance, because people with Covid-19 die from the cytokine storm.
The Inflammasome, Vitamin C, Melatonin and Humming
Inflammasome are proteins that are in charge of creating meaningful inflammation in the body.
Covid-19 activation of the Inflammasome promotes the secretion of inflammation (interleukin 1Beta (IL-1B) and interleukin 18 (IL-18)) causing the cytokine storm. If we can module the Inflammasome and bring it to reason, then we can avoid the cytokine storm and save many lives.
The things that tame the NLRP3 Inflammasome are Vitamin C, Melatonin and Humming.
Viroporins and the NLRP3 Inflammasomes
Viroporins are created by the viruses, basically proteins that punch holes in the cell wall. Viroporins are a trigger to activate NLRP3 inflammasomes – the holes that are punched into the cell wall, allow an influx of calcium into the cell. This means it activates a cascades of inflammatory events, that produces peroxynitrite (which destroys the cell).
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Letter to USA President Donald Trump
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai from the USA, is another brilliant doctor, a MIT PhD with four degrees, has started a campaign for the firing of U.S. panademic-control czar Dr. Anthony Fauci. He argues that the USA is in a war (internal and external influences not to the benefit of the people). The internal struggle is with Big Pharma pushing vaccines and the eternal influences are with China $350 million dollars contribution (from Hong Kong's property tycoon Ronnie Chan) to Havard School of Public Health. This influences Havard School of Public Health leaders, to say quite and to push vaccines. He has sent a letter with Solutions for Coronavirus to the President of the United States of America.
Dr. Shiva is making news around the world as if “lighting" has struck Big Pharm and the whole world is waking up watching this.
I wonder if Dr. Shiva ever listens to Dr. Peter Glidden, because the two of them are in synchrony with the perils confronting of humanity, mainly control of the Medical Industrial Establishment by certain interest groups to benefit only themselves.
Dr. Peter Glidden has been saying this for years - we are paying the consequences of the failure of the medical system over the past 105 years.
In an interview with Christina Aguayo, Dr. Shiva said that the scientific establishment has created a lie on the immune system and the solutions on Coronavirus Covid-19. Dr. Shiva said that the real emphasis is, many people are with an over reactive dysfunctional weaken immune system, due to unhealthy diet, dirty food - glyphosate, dirty water and dirty air and that is what is causes damage to the body immune system. People with over reactive dysfunctional immune system are more susceptible to go into lung complication. He said that the truth has nothing to do with mandating vaccines and shutting down the country. Dr. Shiva is not in favour of the current medical model to treat with Chlorquine and or with vaccines, as this only benefits Big Pharma and has side effects of the body. In addition, Dr. Shiva discloses that the real solution is building up people immune system. The establishment model is based on dirty air, dirty water, dirty food - they want people to consume unhealthy food and then mandate solutions with vaccines.
Reference: Wang et al reported that chloroquine effectively inhibits SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. (Wang M, Cao R, Zhang L, Yang X, Xu M, et al. Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro. Cell Res. 2020 Feb 4)
Reference: Chloroquine May Fight Covid-19-and Silicon Valley’s Into It.
Humming and Nitric Oxide
The other “Melatonin” is nitric oxide.
Vitamin C in high doses increases Nitric oxide.
Humming while exhaling, it instantly increases nitric oxide concentration in the nasal passage and sinus, the same tissues where Covid-19 lingered for days before it affects other tissues.
“Humming Greatly Increases Nasal Nitric Oxide.” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 166, Issue 2
When you quietly inhale you have a small amount of nitric oxide in your nose, if you hum while exhaling, it increase the nitric oxide more than 15 times. At that dosage nitric oxide is strongly anti viral, antibacterial, antifungal. Dr. Klinghardt published a paper 15 years ago in a German Journal, as a treatment for chronic sinusitis? There were over 200 emails in the following months of people that had 20 – 30 years of chronic sinusitis which was cured by simply humming on their way to work, in the car or during their quiet moments.
Deborah Freudenmann of TRULY HEAL, has also written an article on the benefits of Yoga – Meditation – Deep breathing and humming in an article on Vagus Nerve: 7 easy ways to access its powers.
The article can be accessed here.
“Singing, humming and chanting"
Khoff, B. V., Malmgren, H., Åström, R., Nyberg, G., Ekström, S. R., Engwall, M., … Jörnsten, R. (2013). Music structure determines heart rate variability of singers. Frontiers in Psychology, 4(JUL), 1–16.
Deep breathing exercises
Singh, U. P. (2017). Evidence-Based Role of Hypercapnia and Exhalation Phase in Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Insights into Hypercapnic Yoga Breathing Exercises. Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy, 07(03).
Bonaz, B., Sinniger, V., & Pellissier, S. (2016). Vagal tone: Effects on sensitivity, motility, and inflammation. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 28(4), 455–462.”
Stop Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors – and Selenium
ACE inhibitors are used to treat High Blood Pressure
Selenium is a natural ACE inhibitor, so do not use it for now.
Covid-19 needs the ACE peptides, the proteins in the cell wall of the aveoli to dock on the aveoli to infect the lung. If you are taking ACE Inhibitors it is going to facilitate the entry of virus into the lung tissue, making it more likely for the patient to get lung complications.
The 2 main orthomolecular treatment options for SARS-Co2 by Independent Researcher, Doris Loh:
• Melatonin: Take at night 2 to 3 hours after your last meal and 1 to 2 hours before going to sleep. Dosage recommended by Doris Loh is 50 mg at night.
• Vitamin C: 1 gram per hour, to a total of 10-18 grams per day.
• Ascorbic Acid Infection Dosage: 1 gram every 15 to 30 minutes. If symptoms are not reversed within 12-24 hours, increase dosage to 2 grams every 15 to 30 minutes.
• Intravenous Vitamin C if available: 7.5 grams – 50 grams for 3 consecutive days.
Treatment of a possible infected or diagnosed patient:
1. Vitamin C:
In a press release from a Chinese Hospital specializing in infectious disease it was reported that Intravenous Vitamin C was extremely effective in treating affected and infected patients. The dose of 100-200 mg/kg body weight was given for 3 days in a row (this equates to 7.5 – 15 grams for a 75 kg (180 lbs.) to infected persons. Another translation of the document said that the Chinese gave 10 – 20 grams for the IV. The Chinese had a high remission rate of the coronavirus with this treatment.
Covid-19 can survive 72 hours (some estimate up to 7 days) on a surface of objects.
HOCL Spray (Hypochlorous acid)
Once the virus is on the body, it lives on the surface of the tissues. The first tissue that it clings to is the throat, the mucus membrane of the nose and the eyes. This is for many days after the onset of symptoms, before it goes deeper. Once it is there, you have 5 days to treat the virus in areas that you can reach, with a simple spray, HOCL, before it goes deeper.
Propolis spray is the other spray that is working. Propolis prevents the attachment tremendously and enhances the immunities against other coronaviruses. Based on clinical experience form his patients that were diagnosed with the virus, Dr. Klinghardt found that alternating HOCL and Propolis spray, inside the mouth, prevented the virus from moving forward. Within a few days with this treatment people become asymptomatic. HOCL Spray from Ki Science and BrioTech can be also be sprayed in the eyes.
After 5 days, the illness may penetrate deeper, that is when there is the dry cough and other severe forms of the illness in the lung. Again 72 % of the virus is still in the sputum in the throat, lingering there during the illness. The throat works as a growth medium for the virus. – Spray with any antiviral spray in the mouth. Propolis, Copaiba Oil or Joy of the Mountains Oil of Oregano can be used as a spray.
The first HOCL Study was done on MERS, the virus was sprayed on work surfaces - on computer monitors, desks and desk top spaces next to them. Then they used the typical alcohol base disinfectant to clean up the surfaces. The PCR Test that followed showed positive for surviving viruses. Then did the same with HOCL and it was completely 100% negative – indication 100% effectiveness.
In the spring of 2016, University of Washington, school of Public Health conducted a test on BrioHOCL. Upon 10 minutes exposure of BrioHOCL on Coronavirus OC43 (CoV), findings indicated at least 99.999% effective.
HOCL spray can also be sprayed on formites; clothes and any thing that you can touch.
The role of formites and environmental contamination in transmission of infection is still unclear (Formites are objects or materials which are likely to carry infection, such as clothes, utensils, door knobs, keyboards, computer mouse, elevator buttons, bus seats, furniture and basically anything that you can touch, except copper). Formites and environmental contamination may have contributed to the transmission of the SARS virus.
The Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Viability of the SARS Coronavirus
Ventilated Windows and Doors may reduce the virus survival and transmission. In Singapore and Hong Kong where air-conditioning are used intensively, the outbreak of SARS largely occurred in air-conditioned environments as hospitals and hotels. Interestingly, in Guangzhou, China, clinicians kept the windows of patients rooms opened and well ventilated which may have reduced the virus survival and transmission.
Reference: Hindawi: Advances in Virology
Research Article / Open Access
Volume 2011 |Article ID 734690 | 7 pages |
Furins: Andrographis and Vitamin C against SARS-Co2
Furins are proteins in the cell wall of every cell and floating around in the matrix of the intra spaces, there are proteins that have various functions. All the proteins that float around in our system are in a dormant state. If there are all active, we would die as they used up all the oxygen and water.
Furins cleave away certain amino acids and then transforms the protein into an active form to a specific function.
The coronravirus Covid-19 has figured out this mechanism to get pass the furins and cause a cytokine storm, which leads to the build up of fluid in the lungs. Covid-19 is in a pre-active form, so when it floats around the tissues, it leaves the mucus membrane and starts entering the blood stream, lymphatic system, then it starts to settle in deeper tissue. It has to dock on the cell wall of a tissue and asks the furin that is sitting there, to remove a particular amino acid or a group of amino acids from its protein in order to activate it. Only when this happens the virus can become aggressive.
There is a herb with a powerful anti-furin strategy and that herb is Andrographis paniculata. This is of high importance, because people with Covid-19 die from the cytokine storm.
The Inflammasome, Vitamin C, Melatonin and Humming
Inflammasome are proteins that are in charge of creating meaningful inflammation in the body.
Covid-19 activation of the Inflammasome promotes the secretion of inflammation (interleukin 1Beta (IL-1B) and interleukin 18 (IL-18)) causing the cytokine storm. If we can module the Inflammasome and bring it to reason, then we can avoid the cytokine storm and save many lives.
The things that tame the NLRP3 Inflammasome are Vitamin C, Melatonin and Humming.
Viroporins and the NLRP3 Inflammasomes
Viroporins are created by the viruses, basically proteins that punch holes in the cell wall. Viroporins are a trigger to activate NLRP3 inflammasomes – the holes that are punched into the cell wall, allow an influx of calcium into the cell. This means it activates a cascades of inflammatory events, that produces peroxynitrite (which destroys the cell).
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Letter to USA President Donald Trump
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai from the USA, is another brilliant doctor, a MIT PhD with four degrees, has started a campaign for the firing of U.S. panademic-control czar Dr. Anthony Fauci. He argues that the USA is in a war (internal and external influences not to the benefit of the people). The internal struggle is with Big Pharma pushing vaccines and the eternal influences are with China $350 million dollars contribution (from Hong Kong's property tycoon Ronnie Chan) to Havard School of Public Health. This influences Havard School of Public Health leaders, to say quite and to push vaccines. He has sent a letter with Solutions for Coronavirus to the President of the United States of America.
Dr. Shiva is making news around the world as if “lighting" has struck Big Pharm and the whole world is waking up watching this.
I wonder if Dr. Shiva ever listens to Dr. Peter Glidden, because the two of them are in synchrony with the perils confronting of humanity, mainly control of the Medical Industrial Establishment by certain interest groups to benefit only themselves.
Dr. Peter Glidden has been saying this for years - we are paying the consequences of the failure of the medical system over the past 105 years.
In an interview with Christina Aguayo, Dr. Shiva said that the scientific establishment has created a lie on the immune system and the solutions on Coronavirus Covid-19. Dr. Shiva said that the real emphasis is, many people are with an over reactive dysfunctional weaken immune system, due to unhealthy diet, dirty food - glyphosate, dirty water and dirty air and that is what is causes damage to the body immune system. People with over reactive dysfunctional immune system are more susceptible to go into lung complication. He said that the truth has nothing to do with mandating vaccines and shutting down the country. Dr. Shiva is not in favour of the current medical model to treat with Chlorquine and or with vaccines, as this only benefits Big Pharma and has side effects of the body. In addition, Dr. Shiva discloses that the real solution is building up people immune system. The establishment model is based on dirty air, dirty water, dirty food - they want people to consume unhealthy food and then mandate solutions with vaccines.
April 10, 2020
Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Crushes Dr. Fauci Exposes Birx, Clintons, Bill Gates, And The W.H.O (Taken from YouTube) |
Dr. Shiva recommendation to President Donald Trump is to treat patients with over reactive dysfunctional weak immune systems with high dosages of Vitamin A Palmitate and Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Iodine (e.g. Bran Lugols – 3 drops per drink, once a day).
Vitamin A Palmitate: 400,000 IU per 2 days
Vitamin D: 50,000 IU per day for 2 days
Intravenous Vitamin C: 100 g drip per day, until recovered
Dr. Shiva Letter to President Trump of the USA, with the complete Treatment Protocol can be accessed here.
Hopefully, the people in Canada can wake up, listen to this and empower themselves to make better decisions.
• Ozone Therapy
Cuba – MAHT (Major Auto Hemo Therapy): Blood is taken out of the vein, flushed out with Ozone (Hyperbaric oxygen) and put back in the body. Marcus Freudenmann explains this on his video, Surviving the Coronavirus with Ozone.
Ozonoterapia (O3 - Ozone Therapy) is used in Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Italy and Spain to treat other issues.
Marcus Freudenmann from Australia has an excellent video on Preventing / Surviving Corona Virus with his TRULYHEAL O3 Generator.
In my opinion, Marcus Freudenmann TRULYHEAL O3 Generator is an asset in this case. This device not only can be used for internal treatment, it can also be used to make O3 antiseptic spray to eliminate bacteria on the surface of objects. In addition, Marcus Freudenmann has an O3 + uV STERILE LAUNDRY Equipment to use under the Kitchen sink and to be installed in the cold water line of the laundry machine to sterilize the clothes from mold, bacteria and airborne viruses. This is super excellent device to have, some dentists have used this device in their practice.
Dr. Robert Rowen of the ROWENSU CLINIC in Santa Rosa, California, USA has been using ozone therapy, to treat a host of different ailments since 1986. He has successful treated patients for Ebola in Africa with Ozone Therapy.
Reference: Journal of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology,
ISSN:2474-3658, Volume 6 / Issue 2
A plausible “Penny” Costing Effective Treatment for Corona Virus - Ozone Therapy by Robert Jay Rowen, MD1,* and Howard Robins, DPM2. The article can be viewed here.
• Possible Sauna Therapy or using a simple Blow Dryer?
How to kill Coronavirus: Conquering COVID-19
Presented by Dän Lee Dimke, PhD February 20, 2020
Dän Lee Dimke, BS, MBA, PhD
The contents of the video (5:55 minutes) with The Cold-Arrest (Hyperthermia Therapy) Procedure are below:
The Virus dies quickly when exposed to higher temperatures. These viruses live within the coolest parts of the body, the nose and sinus cavities. Studies by leading virologists showed that coronavirus is easily killed by heat at 56 degree Celsius (133 degrees Fahrenheit) after 15 minutes. As the virus is heated in the lab, scientists observed the membrane of the virus began to rupture within minutes. Dr. Dän Lee Dimke, postulated that a 20 minutes of sauna temperatures will kill 90% of most upper-respiratory viruses. The remaining coronavirus will be killed by a second exposure to the sauna treatment, an hour apart. If no sauna is available, a common Blow-Dryer will work to kill the coronavirus. This Cold-Arrest Procedure was first proposed in the book CONQUER THE COMMON COLD & FLU by Dän Lee Dimke, PhD. This was successfully tested in 55 countries with a high success rate.
To use:
Step 1: Turn Hair Dryer to the lowest setting and then put 3 middle finger at the back of the hair dryer to slow the air flow and increase the output temperature.
Step 2: Use a spray bottle filled with water in the other hand. Hold about 10 cm (4 inches) away from nose and spray to frequently moisten the nose. Take slow deep breaths with mouth closed for about 5 minutes. Turn the dryer away from the face during a break.
Step 3: After taking rest for 1 hour, start another 5-minute treatment.
If no symptoms have developed, 2 cycles per day.
If with symptoms, 5 cycles per day until symptoms disappear.
Where did Dr. Dän Lee Dimke get this 56 degree Celsius?
1. First data on stability and resistance of SARS coronavirus compiled by members of WHO laboratory networkBy World Health Organization
“Heat at 56°C kills the SARS coronavirus at around 10000 units per 15 min (quick reduction).”
2. Reference: Hindawi: Advances in Virology
Research Article / Open Access
Volume 2011 |Article ID 734690 | 7 pages |
The Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Viability of the SARS Coronavirus We and others have reported that infectivity of SARS CoV (SARS coronavirus) was lost after heating at 56°C for 15 minutes but that it was stable for at least 2 days following drying on plastic.”
3. How to kill Coronavirus: Conquering COVID-19
Italy: Dietary supplements with antioxidant actions like Mioamin F (a mixture comprising isolated milk whey proteins, hydrolyzed collagen, HMB, leucine and Vitamin B6) are currently used at Hospital of Pavia for patients in pre-intensive care. (Dr. Edoardo Rossi and Dr. Maria Teresa Corsetti – Italy)
. Stop eating the 12 Bad Foods that will eventually contribute to chronic illnesses. Reference: 12 Bad Foods by Dr. Peter Glidden, ND.
. PEMF (Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency) Devices
Scientific Research conducted in Italy showed the following for the SEQEX PEMF Device:
. It produced significant decrease in oxidation stress
. Increased microcirculation to the cells, thus better oxygen and nutrients to the cells and the removal of toxins.
. Reduce inflammation.
PEMF Therapy Treatment is available in Canada, Wasaga Beach, Ontario (Health Wellness Industries Inc. by Kim Sartor/ Jackie King, Awaken Health Nutrition Wellness by Stephanie DeRose and Casas de Healing by Satesh Narain).
TRULY HEAL from Australia also has a good PEMF Device and many other super good medical devices.
PEMF devices are available in other parts of the world which can help to improve your immune system, improve circulation to the cells, reduce rouleau formation of the blood (blood cells sticking together) and assist your body to heal. My recommendation is to seek a Health Care Practitioner that has one for treatments or those who can afford it, to buy one, especially at this time.
Vitamin A Palmitate: 400,000 IU per 2 days
Vitamin D: 50,000 IU per day for 2 days
Intravenous Vitamin C: 100 g drip per day, until recovered
Dr. Shiva Letter to President Trump of the USA, with the complete Treatment Protocol can be accessed here.
Hopefully, the people in Canada can wake up, listen to this and empower themselves to make better decisions.
• Ozone Therapy
Cuba – MAHT (Major Auto Hemo Therapy): Blood is taken out of the vein, flushed out with Ozone (Hyperbaric oxygen) and put back in the body. Marcus Freudenmann explains this on his video, Surviving the Coronavirus with Ozone.
Ozonoterapia (O3 - Ozone Therapy) is used in Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Italy and Spain to treat other issues.
Marcus Freudenmann from Australia has an excellent video on Preventing / Surviving Corona Virus with his TRULYHEAL O3 Generator.
In my opinion, Marcus Freudenmann TRULYHEAL O3 Generator is an asset in this case. This device not only can be used for internal treatment, it can also be used to make O3 antiseptic spray to eliminate bacteria on the surface of objects. In addition, Marcus Freudenmann has an O3 + uV STERILE LAUNDRY Equipment to use under the Kitchen sink and to be installed in the cold water line of the laundry machine to sterilize the clothes from mold, bacteria and airborne viruses. This is super excellent device to have, some dentists have used this device in their practice.
Dr. Robert Rowen of the ROWENSU CLINIC in Santa Rosa, California, USA has been using ozone therapy, to treat a host of different ailments since 1986. He has successful treated patients for Ebola in Africa with Ozone Therapy.
Reference: Journal of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology,
ISSN:2474-3658, Volume 6 / Issue 2
A plausible “Penny” Costing Effective Treatment for Corona Virus - Ozone Therapy by Robert Jay Rowen, MD1,* and Howard Robins, DPM2. The article can be viewed here.
• Possible Sauna Therapy or using a simple Blow Dryer?
How to kill Coronavirus: Conquering COVID-19
Presented by Dän Lee Dimke, PhD February 20, 2020
Dän Lee Dimke, BS, MBA, PhD
The contents of the video (5:55 minutes) with The Cold-Arrest (Hyperthermia Therapy) Procedure are below:
The Virus dies quickly when exposed to higher temperatures. These viruses live within the coolest parts of the body, the nose and sinus cavities. Studies by leading virologists showed that coronavirus is easily killed by heat at 56 degree Celsius (133 degrees Fahrenheit) after 15 minutes. As the virus is heated in the lab, scientists observed the membrane of the virus began to rupture within minutes. Dr. Dän Lee Dimke, postulated that a 20 minutes of sauna temperatures will kill 90% of most upper-respiratory viruses. The remaining coronavirus will be killed by a second exposure to the sauna treatment, an hour apart. If no sauna is available, a common Blow-Dryer will work to kill the coronavirus. This Cold-Arrest Procedure was first proposed in the book CONQUER THE COMMON COLD & FLU by Dän Lee Dimke, PhD. This was successfully tested in 55 countries with a high success rate.
To use:
Step 1: Turn Hair Dryer to the lowest setting and then put 3 middle finger at the back of the hair dryer to slow the air flow and increase the output temperature.
Step 2: Use a spray bottle filled with water in the other hand. Hold about 10 cm (4 inches) away from nose and spray to frequently moisten the nose. Take slow deep breaths with mouth closed for about 5 minutes. Turn the dryer away from the face during a break.
Step 3: After taking rest for 1 hour, start another 5-minute treatment.
If no symptoms have developed, 2 cycles per day.
If with symptoms, 5 cycles per day until symptoms disappear.
Where did Dr. Dän Lee Dimke get this 56 degree Celsius?
1. First data on stability and resistance of SARS coronavirus compiled by members of WHO laboratory networkBy World Health Organization
“Heat at 56°C kills the SARS coronavirus at around 10000 units per 15 min (quick reduction).”
2. Reference: Hindawi: Advances in Virology
Research Article / Open Access
Volume 2011 |Article ID 734690 | 7 pages |
The Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Viability of the SARS Coronavirus We and others have reported that infectivity of SARS CoV (SARS coronavirus) was lost after heating at 56°C for 15 minutes but that it was stable for at least 2 days following drying on plastic.”
3. How to kill Coronavirus: Conquering COVID-19
Italy: Dietary supplements with antioxidant actions like Mioamin F (a mixture comprising isolated milk whey proteins, hydrolyzed collagen, HMB, leucine and Vitamin B6) are currently used at Hospital of Pavia for patients in pre-intensive care. (Dr. Edoardo Rossi and Dr. Maria Teresa Corsetti – Italy)
. Stop eating the 12 Bad Foods that will eventually contribute to chronic illnesses. Reference: 12 Bad Foods by Dr. Peter Glidden, ND.
. PEMF (Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency) Devices
Scientific Research conducted in Italy showed the following for the SEQEX PEMF Device:
. It produced significant decrease in oxidation stress
. Increased microcirculation to the cells, thus better oxygen and nutrients to the cells and the removal of toxins.
. Reduce inflammation.
PEMF Therapy Treatment is available in Canada, Wasaga Beach, Ontario (Health Wellness Industries Inc. by Kim Sartor/ Jackie King, Awaken Health Nutrition Wellness by Stephanie DeRose and Casas de Healing by Satesh Narain).
TRULY HEAL from Australia also has a good PEMF Device and many other super good medical devices.
PEMF devices are available in other parts of the world which can help to improve your immune system, improve circulation to the cells, reduce rouleau formation of the blood (blood cells sticking together) and assist your body to heal. My recommendation is to seek a Health Care Practitioner that has one for treatments or those who can afford it, to buy one, especially at this time.
March 21, 2020
Live Blood & Electrosmog (Taken from YouTube) |
Reference: ELF Magnetic Therapy and Oxidative Balance
Francesco Raggi 1, Giuseppe Vallesi, Stefano Rufini, Stefania Gizzi, Enrico Ercolani, Ruggero Rossi
Wi-Fi Hygiene: Turn the Wi-Fi off as much as possible.
Eight percent (8 %) of our DNA is retrovirus - Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) (NCBI – HERV Envelope Proteins: Physiological Role and Pathogenic Potential in Cancer and Autoimmunity).
Link to retroviruses and EMF Radiation – Wi-Fi?
Retroviruses can be introduced into a system as an aerosol (inhaled), injected inadvertently in vaccines (review Miyazawa et al., 2010) or via IV blood products, other IV products, sex (HIV), etc.
From the author clinical experience, he postulated that the current permanent 2.4 Gigahertz microwave irradiation of our system (cell-phone radiation) is the main driver of chronic inflammation, a precondition for the explosion of the virus within and is probably silencing our methylation and acetylation enzymes.
In Part 1 of this article there is a 5:28 minutes video where Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt drew a link between Electromagnetic Fields and the increase production of biotoxins in a mold culture. He demonstrated an experiment from a physician in Switzerland who showed, the production of biotoxins in a mold culture increased more than 600 times after being exposed to ambient electromagnetic radiation from a nearby cell phone tower.
August 14, 2011
05 - Klinghardt 01 Video 02 (Taken from YouTube) |
In other words, the mold toxins in the experiment, put out more virulent, much more vicious, more poisonous mycotoxins to protect themselves, as they feel that they are being attacked by the electromagnetic radiation from the cell phone. So the mold toxins produced more potent biotoxins. The cell radiation in a cubic inch of air is now several million times higher that it was ten years ago. True research / unbiased studies showed that cell phone radiation is NOT safe; it disrupts the communication inside the cell membrane. “It also disrupts the cell to DNA communication mechanism.” (05-Klinghardt 01 Video 02)
The first outbreak in the USA, started in EvergreenHealth Hospital in Kirkland, Washington, state of Seattle. Kirkland is one of the five cities in the USA that 5G Network is fully rolled out 5 months ago. The hospital there has the highest level ever of microwave radiation measure in a hospital. In that hospital the death rate was 60%.
Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D.
Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. is another brilliant doctor and he hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. Dr. Thomas spoke at the Health And Human Rights Summit in Tucson, Arizona on March 12, 2020. He started by making references to history and past viruses. In 1918, there was the biggest epidemic, the Spanish Flu. Dr Thomas Cowan quoted Rudolf Steiner who was asked what was this about and his explanation was viruses are simply excretion of a toxic cell. Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA, a few other proteins as they bud out from the cell. When cells get poisoned, they try to purify themselves by excreting debris, which we called virus.
In every pandemic in the last 150 years, there was a quantum leap in the electrification in the electric field in the earth. In 1918, there was the introduction of radio waves around the world. Whenever, any biological system is exposed to a new electric magnetic field, it become poisoned, some are killed and the rest goes into a kind of suspended animation, so interestingly they live a bit longer and sicker.
World war II started the next pandemic, with the introduction of radar equipment all over the earth, blanketing the entire earth with radar fields. This was the first time humans have ever being exposed to those electromagnetic fields.
In 1968, there was the Hong Kong flu. Satellites radiating active man made radiation frequencies were put up into space. The earth protected layer, the Van Allen Belt, which essentially integrates the cosmic field from the sun, earth, moon, Jupiter, etc., and essentially distributes that field on to all on earth. Within 6 month, we had a new viral pandemic. Why viral? It is because people are poisoned, they excrete toxins that looks like viruses and people think that it is a flu epidemic. In the book, The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg, he chronicles all steps in the electrification of the earth, how within 6 months of new electromagnetic blanketing the earth, there was a new flu pandemic all over the world.
Below was taken from Dr. Thomas Cowan speech:
“When you hear the normal explanation how did it go from Kansas to South Africa, in two weeks, so the entire world got the same symptoms at the same time, in spite of the fact that the mode of transportation was horse back and boats. And, there is no explanation for it; they just say we do not know how that happened. But when you think about it, with those radio waves and other frequencies that some of you have in your pockets and wrists, you can send a signal to Japan and it arrives instantaneously, So anyone of you who do not believe that there is an electromagnetic field that communicates globally within seconds, is not paying attention to this….
There has been a dramatic and quantum leap within the last 6 months with the electrification of the earth and I am sure a lot of you know what that is, it is called 5G, where they now have 20,000 radiation emitting satellites, just like the radiating thing in your pockets and wrists that you use all the time that is not compatible with health…. That is a water destructing device and for anyone of you who say we are not electrical beings, we are just physical matter, then do not bother doing an EKG or an EEG or a nerve conduction test, because we are an electrical beings and the chemicals are only a bi-products of electrical impulses…..
Any body wants to guess, where was the first completed blanketed 5G City in the world was?
So, when you start thinking about this, we are in a existential crisis, the likes of which human kind have never seen ….. this is something is unprecedented. The putting of hundreds of thousands of satellites in the very blanket of the earth, this actually has to do with the vaccine question …. The susceptibility has to do with how much metal you have in the body, as well as the quality of the water in your cells. So, if you start injecting aluminum in people, they become receptors for increasing magnetic fields and that is a perfect storm for a deterioration for the species which is what we are not experiencing.
I am just going to finish with one more thing which is a quote from Rudolf Steiner and by the way, this was from 1917, so it was a different time, “In times when there were no electric currents, when the air was not swarming with electrical influences, it was easier to be human, for this reason, in order to be human at all today, it is much necessary to expand much stronger spiritual capacities that was necessary a centaury ago.” So, I will just leave you, with whatever you can do to increase your spiritual capacities, because it is really damn hard to be human being these days.”
The entire speech and video can be accessed here.
Identification and Radiation Warnings
• In May 31, 2011, The World Health Organization (WHO) International Agency for Research for Cancer (IARC) declared RF electromagnetic fields (EMFs) as potentially carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). Group 2B classification is a list of possible carcinogens that also includes lead and DDT. Since 2011, new science has emerged with two large animal carcinogenecities animal studies. Many scientists now believe that if IARC (International Agency Research for Cancer) were to revaluate Radio Frequency Radiation, it would place RF-electromagnetic fields (EMFs – Wi-Fi) in Class 1 classification, ie, a human carcinogen.
• October 10, 2016 In a publication, ‘ No One is Protecting Canadians from Man-Made Radiation’, Canadian Armed Forces Electronics Warfare Expert - Captain, Jerry G. Flynn (Retired), claims “1-5 GHz, which militaries have known for decades are “the most dangerous to humans, as they penetrate all organ systems of the body, thus putting all human organs at risk!”
• Dr. Zory Glaser (Retired) of the US Naval Surface Weapons Centre, Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, at the Naval Medicine Research and Development Command, Non-Ionizing Radiation Bio-effects Laboratory, provided crucial evidence in his “Bibliography on the Biological Effects of Microwave and Radio Frequency Radiation.” The 1971 – 1972 Glaser Documents contained 2311 International references on the biological responses to microwave and radio frequency radiation.
• Barrier Trower, former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert, UK., said the same and produced a video on “Microwave, WIFI, Cell Phone Danger and Avoiding It!”
Reference: EMF / RF Presentation by Satesh Narain
Coronavirus COVID-19 Solutions – Part 1 can be view here.
Dr. Klinghardt March Presentation.
Melatonin as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent Modulating Inflammasome Activation.
This article is intended for general guidance and informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information provided with other trusted sources. Patients and consumers should review the information carefully with their professional health care provider. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by other physicians. The author will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising therefrom.
The first outbreak in the USA, started in EvergreenHealth Hospital in Kirkland, Washington, state of Seattle. Kirkland is one of the five cities in the USA that 5G Network is fully rolled out 5 months ago. The hospital there has the highest level ever of microwave radiation measure in a hospital. In that hospital the death rate was 60%.
Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D.
Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. is another brilliant doctor and he hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. Dr. Thomas spoke at the Health And Human Rights Summit in Tucson, Arizona on March 12, 2020. He started by making references to history and past viruses. In 1918, there was the biggest epidemic, the Spanish Flu. Dr Thomas Cowan quoted Rudolf Steiner who was asked what was this about and his explanation was viruses are simply excretion of a toxic cell. Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA, a few other proteins as they bud out from the cell. When cells get poisoned, they try to purify themselves by excreting debris, which we called virus.
In every pandemic in the last 150 years, there was a quantum leap in the electrification in the electric field in the earth. In 1918, there was the introduction of radio waves around the world. Whenever, any biological system is exposed to a new electric magnetic field, it become poisoned, some are killed and the rest goes into a kind of suspended animation, so interestingly they live a bit longer and sicker.
World war II started the next pandemic, with the introduction of radar equipment all over the earth, blanketing the entire earth with radar fields. This was the first time humans have ever being exposed to those electromagnetic fields.
In 1968, there was the Hong Kong flu. Satellites radiating active man made radiation frequencies were put up into space. The earth protected layer, the Van Allen Belt, which essentially integrates the cosmic field from the sun, earth, moon, Jupiter, etc., and essentially distributes that field on to all on earth. Within 6 month, we had a new viral pandemic. Why viral? It is because people are poisoned, they excrete toxins that looks like viruses and people think that it is a flu epidemic. In the book, The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg, he chronicles all steps in the electrification of the earth, how within 6 months of new electromagnetic blanketing the earth, there was a new flu pandemic all over the world.
Below was taken from Dr. Thomas Cowan speech:
“When you hear the normal explanation how did it go from Kansas to South Africa, in two weeks, so the entire world got the same symptoms at the same time, in spite of the fact that the mode of transportation was horse back and boats. And, there is no explanation for it; they just say we do not know how that happened. But when you think about it, with those radio waves and other frequencies that some of you have in your pockets and wrists, you can send a signal to Japan and it arrives instantaneously, So anyone of you who do not believe that there is an electromagnetic field that communicates globally within seconds, is not paying attention to this….
There has been a dramatic and quantum leap within the last 6 months with the electrification of the earth and I am sure a lot of you know what that is, it is called 5G, where they now have 20,000 radiation emitting satellites, just like the radiating thing in your pockets and wrists that you use all the time that is not compatible with health…. That is a water destructing device and for anyone of you who say we are not electrical beings, we are just physical matter, then do not bother doing an EKG or an EEG or a nerve conduction test, because we are an electrical beings and the chemicals are only a bi-products of electrical impulses…..
Any body wants to guess, where was the first completed blanketed 5G City in the world was?
So, when you start thinking about this, we are in a existential crisis, the likes of which human kind have never seen ….. this is something is unprecedented. The putting of hundreds of thousands of satellites in the very blanket of the earth, this actually has to do with the vaccine question …. The susceptibility has to do with how much metal you have in the body, as well as the quality of the water in your cells. So, if you start injecting aluminum in people, they become receptors for increasing magnetic fields and that is a perfect storm for a deterioration for the species which is what we are not experiencing.
I am just going to finish with one more thing which is a quote from Rudolf Steiner and by the way, this was from 1917, so it was a different time, “In times when there were no electric currents, when the air was not swarming with electrical influences, it was easier to be human, for this reason, in order to be human at all today, it is much necessary to expand much stronger spiritual capacities that was necessary a centaury ago.” So, I will just leave you, with whatever you can do to increase your spiritual capacities, because it is really damn hard to be human being these days.”
The entire speech and video can be accessed here.
Identification and Radiation Warnings
• In May 31, 2011, The World Health Organization (WHO) International Agency for Research for Cancer (IARC) declared RF electromagnetic fields (EMFs) as potentially carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). Group 2B classification is a list of possible carcinogens that also includes lead and DDT. Since 2011, new science has emerged with two large animal carcinogenecities animal studies. Many scientists now believe that if IARC (International Agency Research for Cancer) were to revaluate Radio Frequency Radiation, it would place RF-electromagnetic fields (EMFs – Wi-Fi) in Class 1 classification, ie, a human carcinogen.
• October 10, 2016 In a publication, ‘ No One is Protecting Canadians from Man-Made Radiation’, Canadian Armed Forces Electronics Warfare Expert - Captain, Jerry G. Flynn (Retired), claims “1-5 GHz, which militaries have known for decades are “the most dangerous to humans, as they penetrate all organ systems of the body, thus putting all human organs at risk!”
• Dr. Zory Glaser (Retired) of the US Naval Surface Weapons Centre, Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, at the Naval Medicine Research and Development Command, Non-Ionizing Radiation Bio-effects Laboratory, provided crucial evidence in his “Bibliography on the Biological Effects of Microwave and Radio Frequency Radiation.” The 1971 – 1972 Glaser Documents contained 2311 International references on the biological responses to microwave and radio frequency radiation.
• Barrier Trower, former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert, UK., said the same and produced a video on “Microwave, WIFI, Cell Phone Danger and Avoiding It!”
Reference: EMF / RF Presentation by Satesh Narain
Coronavirus COVID-19 Solutions – Part 1 can be view here.
Dr. Klinghardt March Presentation.
Melatonin as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent Modulating Inflammasome Activation.
This article is intended for general guidance and informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information provided with other trusted sources. Patients and consumers should review the information carefully with their professional health care provider. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by other physicians. The author will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising therefrom.