How to Significantly Slow Coronavirus
By Satesh Narain March 31, 2020

This is a beautiful video (3:29 minutes); the Czech Republic is one of the few countries in Europe, which has significantly slowed down the spread of the virus. In this video, Aneta Kernova, describes what they did differently, in addition to all the other safety recommendations, to slow the virus down. The difference was, everyone that leaves the house, have to wear a face mask.
Although masks are not readily available, even a homemade mask offers some protection. According to the doctors in the Czech Republic, a homemade mask is essential for the suppression of the outbreak. A simple home made mask, can prevent up to 100 percent of the spread of potentially infected micro-droplets. The more people wear face mask, the less virus can be distributed in the air. In the Czech Republic, they have successfully restricted the spread of the virus.
People started to make face mask there and give it to others for free. The Czech Republic knows that face mask works and scientists have confirmed it. The Czech Republic knows that in 3 days, it is possible to provide 10 million people with face masks, in one country.
The message is “I protect you and you protect me”.
My comment: This is very interesting! This brings to attention the 2003 coronavirus SARS outbreak affecting over 300 residents in a high-rise apartment block in Hong Kong, Amoy Gardens that cannot be explained by respiratory droplet transmission from infected patients. In other words, over 300 residents in a high-rise got infected with coronavirus SARS and it was not due to respiratory droplets. Was the virus in the air? Could it have been blown by the wind? Was it due to formites (touched objects) and environmental contamination? Prevention better than seeking the cure.
Although masks are not readily available, even a homemade mask offers some protection. According to the doctors in the Czech Republic, a homemade mask is essential for the suppression of the outbreak. A simple home made mask, can prevent up to 100 percent of the spread of potentially infected micro-droplets. The more people wear face mask, the less virus can be distributed in the air. In the Czech Republic, they have successfully restricted the spread of the virus.
People started to make face mask there and give it to others for free. The Czech Republic knows that face mask works and scientists have confirmed it. The Czech Republic knows that in 3 days, it is possible to provide 10 million people with face masks, in one country.
The message is “I protect you and you protect me”.
My comment: This is very interesting! This brings to attention the 2003 coronavirus SARS outbreak affecting over 300 residents in a high-rise apartment block in Hong Kong, Amoy Gardens that cannot be explained by respiratory droplet transmission from infected patients. In other words, over 300 residents in a high-rise got infected with coronavirus SARS and it was not due to respiratory droplets. Was the virus in the air? Could it have been blown by the wind? Was it due to formites (touched objects) and environmental contamination? Prevention better than seeking the cure.