Amazonian Projects - María Guadelupe Charitable Foundation
By Satesh Narain January 17, 2017
In my search for the best Shamans and Curanderos (Healers) and the Medicines in Perú, the dichotomy or contrast between the South (South America) and the North (Western Industrial Nations) is vividly seen. My thoughts surfaced simultaneously of Hopi Prophecy by a Native North American Elder and a paper that the brilliant Chander Khanniji, a celebrated yoga intellectual, the founder of IONS- The Institute of Noetic Sciences - Ontario, (my yoga teacher who is among the top three most learned / erudite persons in Canada) presented at an International Conference in Soesterberg, Netherlands.
In some of the poor, economically deprived, dilapidated areas and ghettos along the Amazon River and Jungle are where some of the best Shamans and Curanderos live. It is these Shamans and Curanderos who travel hours away to work in Jungle Camps healing foreigners who journey to Perú for healing. The vivid contrast is that it is these ordinary, extremely poor Indigenous Curanderos who live in places bereft of the most minimum facilities for physical and emotional comfort who heal the rich foreigners of the Consumer Society, the majority of whom live in thousands of square feet mansions with all the physical comforts imaginable. I have visited and spent time in the homes of some of these extremely poor Curanderos, learning and experiencing the typical South American simplicity, humility and dignified grace. These people never fail to display genuine gratitude for the most minute favor or recognition and will forever be characterized by the warmth of their affectionate smiles.
In October 15-17, 2007, Chander Khannaji had presented a paper on TRANSFORMING DEVELOPMENT - Exploring Approaches to Development from Religious Perspectives - The Hindu Perspective at the International Conference in Soesterberg, Netherlands. Appended below is an excerpt of a few points that the brilliant Chander Khanna presented at the conference.
Chander Khannaji quoted another Dr. Vandana Shiva, another scholar:
“The prosperity of the industrial revolution was based on riches appropriated as a result… of the violent take over of Third World resources and Third World markets that created wealth in the North - simultaneously creating poverty in the South.”
“Conversely, a system that creates denial and disease, while accumulating trillions of dollars of super profits for businesses is a system for creating poverty for people. “
A Native North American Elder spoke about the Hopi Prophecy: America is dying, from within. He also spoke about the climatic changes that are taking place and the resulting evolutionary adjustments to these environmental changes. He explained how “Everything is spiritual and everything has a spirit.”
“When the Earth, the water, the atmosphere is corrupted, then it will create its own reaction. The Mother is reacting.”
Look at all the illness that there are in our modern society. These are deep truths and thoughts for the intelligent mind to ponder.
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNybroOL9OE
Most of us probably know of a relative or friend/s or heard stories from our friends about losing family member/s too soon due to illness that are termed incurable. It is my unshakeable conviction that there is a cure for all illnesses. It is just a matter of finding the right person, Doctor, Spiritual Healer, Curandero/a, Medicine, patient attitude, faith, the help of God and the willingness of the person to make the changes needed to trigger the healing process.
Everything is of Spirit and everything has a spirit. We are all interconnected. All is One.
By Satesh Narain January 17, 2017
In my search for the best Shamans and Curanderos (Healers) and the Medicines in Perú, the dichotomy or contrast between the South (South America) and the North (Western Industrial Nations) is vividly seen. My thoughts surfaced simultaneously of Hopi Prophecy by a Native North American Elder and a paper that the brilliant Chander Khanniji, a celebrated yoga intellectual, the founder of IONS- The Institute of Noetic Sciences - Ontario, (my yoga teacher who is among the top three most learned / erudite persons in Canada) presented at an International Conference in Soesterberg, Netherlands.
In some of the poor, economically deprived, dilapidated areas and ghettos along the Amazon River and Jungle are where some of the best Shamans and Curanderos live. It is these Shamans and Curanderos who travel hours away to work in Jungle Camps healing foreigners who journey to Perú for healing. The vivid contrast is that it is these ordinary, extremely poor Indigenous Curanderos who live in places bereft of the most minimum facilities for physical and emotional comfort who heal the rich foreigners of the Consumer Society, the majority of whom live in thousands of square feet mansions with all the physical comforts imaginable. I have visited and spent time in the homes of some of these extremely poor Curanderos, learning and experiencing the typical South American simplicity, humility and dignified grace. These people never fail to display genuine gratitude for the most minute favor or recognition and will forever be characterized by the warmth of their affectionate smiles.
In October 15-17, 2007, Chander Khannaji had presented a paper on TRANSFORMING DEVELOPMENT - Exploring Approaches to Development from Religious Perspectives - The Hindu Perspective at the International Conference in Soesterberg, Netherlands. Appended below is an excerpt of a few points that the brilliant Chander Khanna presented at the conference.
Chander Khannaji quoted another Dr. Vandana Shiva, another scholar:
“The prosperity of the industrial revolution was based on riches appropriated as a result… of the violent take over of Third World resources and Third World markets that created wealth in the North - simultaneously creating poverty in the South.”
“Conversely, a system that creates denial and disease, while accumulating trillions of dollars of super profits for businesses is a system for creating poverty for people. “
A Native North American Elder spoke about the Hopi Prophecy: America is dying, from within. He also spoke about the climatic changes that are taking place and the resulting evolutionary adjustments to these environmental changes. He explained how “Everything is spiritual and everything has a spirit.”
“When the Earth, the water, the atmosphere is corrupted, then it will create its own reaction. The Mother is reacting.”
Look at all the illness that there are in our modern society. These are deep truths and thoughts for the intelligent mind to ponder.
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNybroOL9OE
Most of us probably know of a relative or friend/s or heard stories from our friends about losing family member/s too soon due to illness that are termed incurable. It is my unshakeable conviction that there is a cure for all illnesses. It is just a matter of finding the right person, Doctor, Spiritual Healer, Curandero/a, Medicine, patient attitude, faith, the help of God and the willingness of the person to make the changes needed to trigger the healing process.
Everything is of Spirit and everything has a spirit. We are all interconnected. All is One.

Our lungs are storage devices for oxygen; oxygen is a vehicle/medium for transporting the pranic force – life force to the intellect and higher consciousness. The Amazon Jungle is the lungs of the Earth. We may not realize this, as it is like the gaps between breaths – the time intervals of our rhythmic breathing, without being conscious of it.
Similarly, in the Amazon Jungle, there are many poor indigenous people with no future. With a higher understanding of higher consciousness, we are all one – interconnected. Those poor Amazonian Jungle people are like the gaps in breath that we take, without being conscious of it. Some of them have the knowledge from the Ancestors on natural plant medicines and Healing Modalities beyond our comprehension. These simple poor people are the balance of life and hope for healing and alleviating suffering.
Future projects
It is my desire to help and seek help and support from Corporations and Institutions and the rich, in what every capacity there is to help a few people from the Amazon with the following in mind:
. Purchase of toilets and septic tanks.
. Assist with local medicine and first aid treatment kits for local Clinics
. To help the local Communities financially to build their homes
. To help them with financial support to buy seeds to plant crops
. Support them to continue with their cultures, learning about the plants and medicines, for them not to change and to maintain their culture and religious beliefs and practices.
In the event Corporations, Institutions and the privilege ones would like to assist to this future project, please contact us.
In the Lord Prayer, “Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” If it is “Thy will” with the financial assistance from the above, then I will do my part.
Similarly, in the Amazon Jungle, there are many poor indigenous people with no future. With a higher understanding of higher consciousness, we are all one – interconnected. Those poor Amazonian Jungle people are like the gaps in breath that we take, without being conscious of it. Some of them have the knowledge from the Ancestors on natural plant medicines and Healing Modalities beyond our comprehension. These simple poor people are the balance of life and hope for healing and alleviating suffering.
Future projects
It is my desire to help and seek help and support from Corporations and Institutions and the rich, in what every capacity there is to help a few people from the Amazon with the following in mind:
. Purchase of toilets and septic tanks.
. Assist with local medicine and first aid treatment kits for local Clinics
. To help the local Communities financially to build their homes
. To help them with financial support to buy seeds to plant crops
. Support them to continue with their cultures, learning about the plants and medicines, for them not to change and to maintain their culture and religious beliefs and practices.
In the event Corporations, Institutions and the privilege ones would like to assist to this future project, please contact us.
In the Lord Prayer, “Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” If it is “Thy will” with the financial assistance from the above, then I will do my part.